Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sure hope it rains

Sure hope it rains. It has rained every day for 4 weeks straight. I would hate to think it might not rain just a few more days. I have so much mud at the barn that the poor animals would not know how to walk on dry ground. Hoofs are cracking and breaking off. What do I do; put plastic garbage bags on their feet. It is an idea but not a good one.
I am seriously begining to think about a large enough boat to get my family and animals on so we can at least have something dry to walk on. It would have to be LARGE.
It is really hot in the south west and really wet in the south east. Would be great if there was a nice balance and we could share with each other.
One of the horses fell in the mud and cut her knee, causing blood and torn skin. Now we have another wound to keep clean and hope does not get infected. She cannot help it. Walking around in that kind of mud makes me fall. When she falls it is 1200 lbs coming down and that scraps knees.
If it does dry out and I complain about no rain at some point please remind me of this post.
Everyone have a great day and please tell the ones you love that you do love them. thanks for reading.

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