Monday, August 26, 2013

Back to School

Miss Skylar is off to 1st grade this morning. A new school year. She has a new backpack, new lunch box, new shoes, and new clothes. She is ready. Her backpack is full of pencils, notebooks, folders, and everything else that was on the supply list. Excitement is in the air and sleepy children are ready to go.
Even the school is having their first problem. There was some type of confusion over the new school bus stops and pick-up areas. We got letters last week saying where the new stops would be and explaining why they would not be stopping at each house this year. They are trying to save money. Well something went wrong because we got one of those recorded phone calls yesterday stating something was wrong with the new stops and for everyone to go by last years stop schedule. Well, we are off to a good start this year.
Skylar is a car rider, so the bus stop problem really does not effect her.
I am certain before this week is over, Skylar will come home selling something for her class. It seems they sold something almost every couple of weeks last year. I do not mind a fund raiser once or twice a year, but it seems they go way overboard now. Something new all the time. There are 4 children in our neighborhood that are in the same grade as Skylar. It is hard to sell like that. At my work, there are 3 or 4 children that attend the same school, so we have the same problem. It can really rattle the adults nerves having to help with this.
Well, good luck to Skylar. I am certain she will have a great school year and do well. After all, she is a chip off the old granny block. Ha.
Everyone have a wonderful week and remember to tell the ones you love that you love them. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Miss Me?

I am back. Well most of you probably did not know I had gone anywhere. My computer crashed and I have been waiting for it to get out of computer hospital. Well it is out and feeling better than ever. A very special  "Thanks" to the guy who fixed it for me. It is working way better than ever. I am forever grateful.
Some things have happened while I was away.  Gerald's mother passed away a couple of days ago. She had been very sick for a very long time, so her passing was expected, but not easy for her daughters, I am certain. She was a very nice lady and she raised wonderful children, and as you all know, that baby boy of hers was very special to me. The aniversary of his death is fast approaching. I still think of him every day and miss him so bad. I cannot believe he has been gone a year.
My Mom has been sick. She has bronchitis and something has made her very sick. We do not know if the antibotic has her throwing up or if she has caught a virus. Cannot imagine how she would have caught a virus since she has not been out of the house in months, but stranger things have happened. She has been throwing up for several days now and the doctor cannot get it stopped. I am very afraid she might have to go into the hospital. My Mom has Alheizemers and anything out of her normal routine really messes her up. They have explained that everytime she has to go into the hospital she will get worse each time. The last time she was in there it was so very bad. She was ill with all of us and saying very ugly things. I am hoping she will feel better really soon.
School is starting and we have open house this week. Miss Skylar will learn her new teacher and we will get started on a new school year.
Someone was shooting in front of my house the other night and we had to call the police. Must be something about gun shots fired that gets the police all excited. I must have had 10 cops at my house. I live in a very small community so I am guessing everyone that was working was there. Some excitement for a Friday night anyway. Never did find out who was shooting. As long as they do not return, wel will all be happy.
I guess that is about all that has happen while I was away. Everyone have a great week and please tell the ones you love that you do love them. Thanks for reading .

Thursday, August 15, 2013


These pictures go with the previous blog but something went wrong and I could not get them added. Pictures of took with my babies yesterday morning. They are smiling and so am I. It was great seeing each other.
Thanks for reading, Tell the ones you love that you do love them.

Missing my babies!!

I was not feeling well for a couple of days and then problems at work made me work really late into the night so I went 3 days without visiting my babies in the pasture. Well yesterday morning I made time to stop and see them for a short while. I think they missed me. They both seemed happy to see me and were very loving. I know I had missed them. I gave them treats and love. They posed for pictures with Mommy and everyone was smiling. It was a good morning. Then work and another obligation forced me yet to miss another evening spending time with them. I am going by again this morning and I really hope to come by this afternoon and spend some time with them. Taking a change of clothes to work so I can actually go out into the pasture and brush them and love on them. I really miss them and it would appear they missed me. I truely understand when people say that their horse feeds their soul. Both Sage and Ben give me happiness and peace within when I am troubled. They are listen when I need to talk and I hear them comfort me with love and kindness when I am troubled.
Everyone tell the ones you love that you do love them and be kind to each other. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

A Wonderful Blast from my Past!!!!

This my friends is me. This horse is Pepper, the first horse I owned and the one Gerald boarded for me while he lived in the same town as me. This picture was taken several years ago and it is actually the very first time I rode him. I bumped into the man who gave me this wonderful horse yesterday and was traveling down memory lane. I knew I had pictures of that day when I brought him to Gerald's, but I discovered forgotten video clips of all of us riding him that day. I enjoyed watching the clips and seeing my friend Sonny giving me instructions on what to do with this horse and watching myself struggle with riding him. While watching these video clips I saw clips of Gerald. He was watching and talking and giving advice from the sidelines. I did not remember having these videos. It was wonderful to hear his voice. It was so great to hear him healthy and see him smiling and standing around with friends.
I watched and listened and found myself smiling. I was enjoying seeing my old friend again. It was such a wonderful surprise. I enjoyed seeing Pepper again and remebering him and what a wonderful horse he was. I only had him 6 months before I lost him to colic. Friends this horse is the one that brought Gerald and I together and forged a friendship that will live in my heart forever.
I wrote previously how I had been struggling with the upcoming aniversary of his death. I still dread the day, but seeing these videos made me feel so much better. I could actually hear the voice of my friend that I loved so very much.
Life has a way of bring things and doing things to us to help us when we need it. It just brought something to me that I had forgotten I had. How much I enjoyed seeing it. Just what I needed.
Tell the ones you love that you do love them and thanks for reading. Have a wonderful rest of week.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Why won't a good cry just help

Before I get into what I want to cry about I must tell you that my Mom's birthday is tomorrow and she informed me this past Sunday that she will be 29. If she continues to go backward she will be younger than my granddaughter really soon. We are getting together as a family to celebrate this birthday. It could very well be the last one she will remember or possibly even have. All of us are going to be there. I hope she has a good day and will remember some of it.

Another aniversary is fast approaching and friends I must tell you I am sick to death about it. The 1 year aniversary of Gerald's death is fast approaching. Seems to be coming in like a speeding train. Yesterday I was reading some of the last text he sent me before he got so very sick and had to go into hospital. At this time last year we were still on the "Going to get well and live a long healthy life" train. It had not derailed quite yet. The problem is: I know it did derail and crash all around Gerald and all his family and friends. Yes I saved the last few text he sent me. I hope to save them forever. I cannot explain how they make me feel. Yes right now they make me cry but most of the time it is like a connection to him. I had saved the last voice message he left on my phone but accidently erased it. I was so sick about that I cried. Hope that does not happen to the text.
Tears have found their way to me the last week many times. I remember a year ago and I am feeled with dread. He is already gone on to his next life. He is not going to die again. I wish I could just have a good long cry and feel better. He is no longer in pain and suffering. He was ready. He told me so himself. He told me it was going to be OK. He talked to me and said many things on that last visit. He was at peace with what was going to happen. He did not dread death. I wish I had one small amount of his courage and strength. I wish I could have a good cry and move on. As each day brings me closer to this aniversary I feel sicker and sicker to my stomach.
He would not want me to feel this way. He would tell me not to act like this. He told me I would be OK and he was OK. He told me not to spend my days grieving over him but to remember the fun times and the laughter we had. He told me to remember he loved me and he would always love me and to live my life and enjoy the wonderful horse he gave me and remember him with great memories. Don't be sad. he said. I try. My heart hurts.
I need a long good cry and maybe it will erase the pain I feel. I need to remember his laughter and teasing. I need to put my big girl panties on as he would tell me. I do miss him so very much. He was just the greatest friend anyone could ever have.
Everyone have a wonderful week and don't forget to tell the ones you love that you do love them. Thanks for reading. I will try to be more cheerful. Thanks for understanding why I am not right now.