Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Miss Me?

I am back. Well most of you probably did not know I had gone anywhere. My computer crashed and I have been waiting for it to get out of computer hospital. Well it is out and feeling better than ever. A very special  "Thanks" to the guy who fixed it for me. It is working way better than ever. I am forever grateful.
Some things have happened while I was away.  Gerald's mother passed away a couple of days ago. She had been very sick for a very long time, so her passing was expected, but not easy for her daughters, I am certain. She was a very nice lady and she raised wonderful children, and as you all know, that baby boy of hers was very special to me. The aniversary of his death is fast approaching. I still think of him every day and miss him so bad. I cannot believe he has been gone a year.
My Mom has been sick. She has bronchitis and something has made her very sick. We do not know if the antibotic has her throwing up or if she has caught a virus. Cannot imagine how she would have caught a virus since she has not been out of the house in months, but stranger things have happened. She has been throwing up for several days now and the doctor cannot get it stopped. I am very afraid she might have to go into the hospital. My Mom has Alheizemers and anything out of her normal routine really messes her up. They have explained that everytime she has to go into the hospital she will get worse each time. The last time she was in there it was so very bad. She was ill with all of us and saying very ugly things. I am hoping she will feel better really soon.
School is starting and we have open house this week. Miss Skylar will learn her new teacher and we will get started on a new school year.
Someone was shooting in front of my house the other night and we had to call the police. Must be something about gun shots fired that gets the police all excited. I must have had 10 cops at my house. I live in a very small community so I am guessing everyone that was working was there. Some excitement for a Friday night anyway. Never did find out who was shooting. As long as they do not return, wel will all be happy.
I guess that is about all that has happen while I was away. Everyone have a great week and please tell the ones you love that you do love them. Thanks for reading .

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