Sunday, September 8, 2013


The calendar says it is Fall. Well close enough that it can be called Fall. I have noticed some leaves falling off trees. No color change to speak of, but falling leaves are here. Morning temps are cooler. Days are still hot, but the mornings are nice. Halloween and Fall decorations are out in stores. I have even seen a Christmas decoration or two in some stores.
I like Fall. Cooler temps, enjoy outside more, jeans and sweats, and the smell. Fall smells different. The smell of leaves, pumpkin, and wood burning. People begin to have fire outside and fire in the wood stove or fireplace. I love the smells. I like the cooler temperatures. I like the festivals and fairs that happen in the Fall. I must say Fall and Spring are my favorite times of the year. Not too hot, not too cold, and the colors of both are just beautiful. Spring brings flowers and Fall brings changing leaves.
Halloween is around the corner and what costume to wear is most present on Skylar's mind. She has stated about 10 or 12 that she wants to be. The search for the perfect one is on. We have to find one that is just right. She is a girly girl and she loves princess and fairy and all things like that. I am trying to get her to be something scarey, like a witch or zombie. She does not seem too keen on those ideas. We will continue the search and I will report back on the decision, probably with pictures.
I am off to a donkey show today. Looking forward to seeing the beautiful donkeys and all the many different kinds. I have come to love this animals and how friendly they are.
Everyone have a wonderful day and as alwasy, tell the ones you love that you do love them.
Thanks for reading.

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