Monday, September 16, 2013

The monster has returned

Once again, cancer has returned to cause pain and saddness in someone's life I love. I have a dear friend who was diagnosed with cancer last December and the disease is taking over his body. It has spread into his lungs, kidneys and back. He is in lots of pain most days. They are treating this cancer with radiation and chemo, but the cancer is stubborn and not giving up.
I have said many times, I hate cancer. It is a terrible disease that robs us of the people we love. It causes pain and heartache and just the mention of the word, sends fear and dread into our hearts.
Once again, I fear, cancer is about to take someone that I love very much. He is suffering and the pain gets worse each day. One cannot be selfish and wish this person to stay with so much pain.
This friend is a very good person. He has always been kind to others and has always thought of others before himself. When is time comes he is ready. His family is sad and worried. He will leave behind many people who love him.
I hate cancer.
Please tell the ones you love that you do love them and thanks for reading.

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