Sunday, April 28, 2013

What to Wear?

What do I wear? My son is getting an award for his work in Law Enforcement this week and of course I am going to this ceremony. Actually, I have never missed a major event in my son's life that I can think of. I have even boarded an airplane and headed out west for one. I believe in being there to support my only child. Sorry I am rambling. Now back to this event. There is a dinner before the ceremony and everyone who is anyone is our small community will be there. Normally I would not attend such an event, but this time, I am going. I am struggling with what to wear. Slacks would be great but I do not want to be the only one wearing them. I have some dresses but have not purchased a new one for some time. I guess any of them would be OK since they are not terribly old but whatever I am wearing I will need to wear to work the same day. I wear slacks to work all the time so that would be OK but a dress would be a big surprise to everyone. I really do not care about the work group but I want to look nice for my son. I just do not know what I will wear. Guess I will be going through the closet this evening and searching for just the right thing. There is still time to make a dash to the store if I cannot find anything. I hate to go out and buy something when I have many things in the closet. I just do not know what I will wear. My husband has a job where he has to wear a suit all the time. He has many of them so he never has to worry about what he is wearing. He just opens the closet and selects one of his many suits. Maybe easier for a man anyway. They do not care. They just put something on and go. Women fret over what they are wearing and how they look. Now if I could wear jeans and cowboy boots I would be great. I have lots fo them. But not this time. I have to put on something nice. The funny thing about that is that I have probably paid way more for some of my jeans that any of my dress clothes. Ha. Cost does not matter. Many woman can go to a thrift store and buy something and put it together and look great. I am not one of those. I have to work at looking half way decent. The search for something to wear begins today. Wish me luck.
Thanks for reading and tell the ones you love that you do love them.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


I am back. Sorry it's been so long. My Mom has been in the hospital and trying to take care of my Dad, (who cannot walk due to his accident) has been kind of major. My Mom came home from the hospital yesterday afternoon. We have hired a nice lady to stay with them and help out. Really hoping things will calm down now and hopefully get back into a more normal routine. I have not seen Sage or Ben for 3 days. Hope and Missy Mom has been feeding them for me and making sure they are OK. I will be feeding them myself this morning and I am ready to see my babies. I miss loving on them and interacting with them. I hope they remember me. :)
Off we go to start another day. Everyone have a great one and tell the ones you love that you do love them.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The eyes of a horse (donkey too)

Hello Everyone. Pictured are the members of my equine family that live in my horse pasture. They are Lil Ben, Hope, Sage, and Missy. Hope and Missy are the newest family members. When I look into the eyes of these beautiful animals I see confusion and sorrow. Hope and Missy lived with Gerald's brother Edward for 17 plus years. Missy is 17 and that is the only person she has ever lived with. Hope is 28 and she had been with Edward for what I believe is about 20 of those years.
Then the horrible monster called Cancer came to see Edward and he lost his battle. What was to become of the horses he loved so much. They have come to NC to live with his sister. Horses have great memories. They remember everything, but especially remember those who love them and are kind to them. Edward loved his horses and treated them like his children. My heart goes out to these beautiful animals. First the one person who took care of them and loved them just disappears one day to never return. They do not understand why. Then a couple of months later they are put on a trailer and traveled 22 hours to their new home. To strangers. They have to get used to new surroundings, new people, new food, new friends. They must wonder where Edward is. They must wonder why they are in this strange place.
My heart goes out to them. When I look into their eyes I see confusion, sorrow and loneliness. I know they miss Edward and wonder about him. I know they miss Oklahoma and wonder why they had to leave. I love them already and they have only been here about 3 weeks. I try hard to show them they are welcome and this is their new home that will show them love and kindness. I try to show them it will be ok and they are ok. I try to show them they will have a good life here. Their new Mother tries very hard too. She loves them and babies them and treat them very good.
Sage and Ben have had to adjust also. They were used to getting all of Mommy's love and now they have to share some. Sage has always been the boss lady of the pasture and now she has to keep Missy in line to keep that job. Ben is not used to having so many women all around him and hides in the bushes to get a moment of alone time. When I look into their eyes I see confusion and wonder. They wonder why these two new horses have come to live there. They wonder why Mommy gives part of their love to someone else. They have to share the barn and everything else. They must wonder if they have been replaced in my heart. I try to show them I love them as much as ever. I try to show them it will be ok and they have new friends not horses they will have to battle with. Their world has changes just as much as Missy and Hope.
The horse eyes will tell many stories if you just look into them. You can see love, sorrow, kindness, and pain if you just look. I am looking forward to the day when I look into the eyes of all four of these wonderful animals and see love and happiness looking back at me. One big happy family, even if part of them have four legs.
Tell the ones you love that you do love them. We never know what today holds.
Thanks for reading.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Older than I ever thought I would be

Today is my birthday. I am older than I ever thought I would be. I only say that because all my teenage and adult life I never thought I would live to be an older person. Just a feeling that I have always had. I have no explanation for this feeling except that it is there. Actually it is still there. The definition of older person gets moved back each year but the feeling remains; just as much now as ever.
I am grateful that I am the age I am. (NO, I am not going to tell you what that age is). I have had many experiences in my life, both good and bad, but many stories to tell anyway.
Do not worry, I am not going to tell all of them in this blog. Well I am starting another year and still unsure if I will see the next birthday. It is OK. I have family and friends that love me and I love them back. I have a great husband, wonderful son, and granddaughter that looks and acts just like me. Wonderful animals that return my love. Family and friends that have gone before me that wait for me to come. It is good on both ends of this feeling I have.
Happy Birthday to me and let's get started on the next year.
Thanks for reading and please tell the ones you love that you do love them.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Sorry. Really, I am sorry.

Ok, I know I said I had a lot of things to happen in one weekend and then left you hanging and I am so very sorry. I have been really busy. I also made a quick trip to Virginia to the Great American Trail Horse Sale. Even if you do not like horses you would surely enjoy the trail competition. Really lots of fun.
Now back to my weekend. First, the two new horses finally came to my pasture to their new home. It was touch and go with them. The 22 hour road trip was hard on both of them. One of them got a mild case of colic. I spent all day in the pasture with them; making sure they were going to be OK. Then after getting some dinner with my husband I got a phone call that said my Dad had been in an accident with the riding lawn mower. We had to race to the hospital, which is almost an hour from where we live. His legs were cut pretty bad, but with some time he is going to be fine. Then the next day, Easter Sunday, we had to drive to another city to rescue my granddaughter from her stupid mother who managed to get herself in trouble with the police after a traffic stop. A very eventful weekend I must say.  On Monday I had to take my Dad to 2 seperate doctor visits, which did take all day.
Then I went to Virginia and had a really good time. We saw some wonderful horses. I spent 4 days there working and enjoying the event and sale.
I have been very busy with lots of things going on.
Everyone remember to tell the ones you love that you do love them. Thanks for reading.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Wait until you hear about my weekend !!??xx!???

You will never believe what happen this weekend!!!!!!!!! So many things. I only have time for pictures and this short note. More later and WOW is it interesting. Thanks for reading and tell your loved ones that you love them.