Sunday, April 28, 2013

What to Wear?

What do I wear? My son is getting an award for his work in Law Enforcement this week and of course I am going to this ceremony. Actually, I have never missed a major event in my son's life that I can think of. I have even boarded an airplane and headed out west for one. I believe in being there to support my only child. Sorry I am rambling. Now back to this event. There is a dinner before the ceremony and everyone who is anyone is our small community will be there. Normally I would not attend such an event, but this time, I am going. I am struggling with what to wear. Slacks would be great but I do not want to be the only one wearing them. I have some dresses but have not purchased a new one for some time. I guess any of them would be OK since they are not terribly old but whatever I am wearing I will need to wear to work the same day. I wear slacks to work all the time so that would be OK but a dress would be a big surprise to everyone. I really do not care about the work group but I want to look nice for my son. I just do not know what I will wear. Guess I will be going through the closet this evening and searching for just the right thing. There is still time to make a dash to the store if I cannot find anything. I hate to go out and buy something when I have many things in the closet. I just do not know what I will wear. My husband has a job where he has to wear a suit all the time. He has many of them so he never has to worry about what he is wearing. He just opens the closet and selects one of his many suits. Maybe easier for a man anyway. They do not care. They just put something on and go. Women fret over what they are wearing and how they look. Now if I could wear jeans and cowboy boots I would be great. I have lots fo them. But not this time. I have to put on something nice. The funny thing about that is that I have probably paid way more for some of my jeans that any of my dress clothes. Ha. Cost does not matter. Many woman can go to a thrift store and buy something and put it together and look great. I am not one of those. I have to work at looking half way decent. The search for something to wear begins today. Wish me luck.
Thanks for reading and tell the ones you love that you do love them.

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