Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Well construction on the barn has stopped because it has rained for 40 days and 40 nights. Well OK maybe not that long, but it has rained for several days and construction has come to a full and complete stop. I planted grass seed and it all washed into the pond. Can we say I have been defeated by mother nature.  Well I will let mother nature have this battle but in the end I will win the war. I do not accept defeat easily so I will be back at it right away. I will have green grass and new stalls in my barn!!!!
The horses were miserable on the other side of the pasture so I put them on the side they are used to with all the mud because the grass seed washed away. Now they are walking around in 5 inches of mud. They are still happier in the mud rather than being in the very high grass. The grass was so tall on the other side that sometimes you could not see Ben for the grass. Poor little fellow. The horses were very unhappy too.
I will attempt to plant grass again in the next couple of days. I am going to plant a mixture this time so something will come up quickly while the grass I really want to grow has time to come up. Hope the horses to not trample it to death while it is trying to grow.
I think the weather is going to cooperate and no more rain for a few days. Maybe things will dry out and construction can begin again. Hopefully the new grass will have sunshine and begin to grow.
I will keep you updated. Hoping soon to have pictures of the new addition and also pictures of the new grass.
Everyone have a great day and tell the ones you love that you do love them. Thanks for reading.

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