Sunday, June 30, 2013

Small Town Fun

We had our annual 4th of July celebration this weekend. We had a parade downtown with games and vendors for most of the afternoon.

Small town parades are unique. I think this is a local band, but not really sure.

The local beauty queens are always there.

We had a couple of clowns. I am pretty sure the clown is the one in the golf cart, not the nice folk standing in front of Capt. Paw Paw's.

We had lawn mowers this year. This one was really nice.

Firetrucks are always there!

Old cars that have been restored. This was a really nice one. I love the color.

The tractors came out in full force. I am not sure how many, but there was a lot of them.

I thought Z Z Top had come to our little local parade, but when I saw the people inside, I really don't think it was them. Nice car though.

Transformers maybe? It never changed into anything though, but it sure cleaned up nice.

We saw some friends. Sky had fun. This is her friend Bella and Bella's Dad. He is having a really fun day!

We had games and other fun things to do uptown.

More uptown fun.

We closed the really fun day with some great fireworks.

It was a really fun small town Fourth of July celebration, even though it is not the 4th yet. Everyone seem to have a great time, eating great food and drinking fresh squeezed lemonade and enjoying all the fun and games.
Remember to tell the ones you love that you do love them and thanks for reading.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


If you read my blog enough I am certain you will recognize the beautiful girl who is pictured above. Well the top picture is not that beautiful but the lower one certainly is. Had to put the top picture in for you to see. Just luck that is came out the way it did. But so Sage would not be completely mad at me, I also put up once where you can really see just how beautiful she really is. Well except for the mud on her. But she is most beautiful.
We are really battling flies at the barn this summer. Alot of rain mixed with hot temps is giving us a fit. Then add mudd and horse poo to the mix and flies are everywhere. Poor Lil Ben is being eaten to death. His legs are bleeding from fly bites. I have tried several sprays but they last about 30 seconds and then the flies are back at it.
It is really a problem. The horses are miserable. I have researched online and found several home mix sprays. Tried one of them yesterday. It seemed to help some but still not what I would like.
I will continue searching until I find something that really helps them.
I hope you enjoy the pictures of Sage and remember to tell the ones you love that you do love them. Thanks so much for reading.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Good Morning

Good Morning. Hope everyone had a great night. I should sum up a few things from previous blogs. Miss Kitty has her kittens behind the hay in the barn. I have not seen them but I know they are there because she continues to go behind the hay all the time and once or twice she has come out from behind the hay after we have been at the barn for a short while. Something behind that hay keep her attention and I am betting it is babies. We have not seen them but with kittens it is only a matter of time and we will.
Construction at the barn is 98% complete and the guys did a wonderful job. Mostly left is clean up and just a couple of minor things. Clean up is this Saturday and the other minor things should come probably this week. It really looks great and the horses and Ben love the new stalls.
We have had lots of rain in the last few weeks and the mud problem is huge at the barn. We have a few ideas of how to help with this problem and we will begin that also this weekend.
I will have pictures of the new barn addition soon. I want to wait until clean up to take pictures.
Hopefully one day I will have pictures of the new kittens. Have to wait and see on that one.
All the animals are doing well. Lil Ben still rolls in that one spot and I never grew grass there, but grass did come up in other places and that seems to be working itself out. Bermuda grass runs all over so with time we should have grass there.
The horses are doing well. Hope managed to cut herself and the vet had to come out but she is doing good. Sage had a round with colic but we overcame and she is her normal fiesty self now. Missy has stayed out of trouble so far and she is good also.
Thank you for reading and as always tell the ones you love that you do love them.
Have a really great day.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday in Heaven; Gerald. I miss you, so very much. I miss my teacher, my confidant, my protector, but most of all; I miss my very dear friend. I miss your advice as you taught me about horses and life; I miss the times we sat and talked and helped each other with life’s problems, I miss the times you firmly, but with love, gave out orders trying to protect me from harm and walked beside me teaching me how to ride the horse, but most of all, I miss the laughter and love shared between two friends. My heart knows you are in a better place, where there is no pain and suffering, no disappointment, no troubles. I would not bring you back to suffer if I had the opportunity to do so; but the empty space in my heart still hurts from your leaving.
You would be proud of me right now. Just like you told me I could; I step up and do my best with the horses. My fear seems to fade more each day. I do what has to be done and do not hesitate. You taught me how to do this.  Yes I know I look to heaven and ask you for advice from time to time, and somehow you let me know what I need to do. You told me I would be OK and as always, you were right. I miss you my very dear friend. My heart remembers the wonderful times we shared. I will always remember. I love you Gerald Hyde. I always will. Have a very Happy Birthday.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Miss Lucky Kitty out smarted me

This is Miss Lucky Kitty, my barn cat. I believe I have mentioned her in a blog or two. She showed up at my barn in late March after a rain storm and has been my barn cat ever since. She has been very friendly and loving. We now call her our cat. Even my husband, who claims not to like cats, lets her sit on his lap. Well Miss Kitty kept getting fatter and fatter and finally we decided she was going to have babies. Well friends, I was excited. Baby kittens to play with and spoil. How wonderful. We got her a box and put down towels and was ready for the wonderful event. She got fatter and fatter. She looked like she was going to explode. Then this past weekend she disappeared. I was worried. I have had really bad luck with barn cats. We have fox and I do worry about Miss Kitty. I also knew she could have gone somewhere else to have her babies. I made her a nice place but maybe not to her liking. Well Miss Kitty was back for breakfast yesterday morning. She was also very thin. Somewhere she had little baby kittens. I checked and it did appear she was nursing. No kittens in the barn. I am disappointed. I can only hope she brings them to the barn in a few days. I hope she does.
I really wanted baby kittens to hold and love. I guess Kitty did not want me holding and loving on her babies. If no babies in a few days I will have to stalk her and find them. A friend told me if I do this she will move them again. I guess Miss Lucky Kitty has out smarted me. I have only lost the battle, not the war. I will keep looking.
Everyone have a wonderful day and tell the ones you love that you do love them. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Sky's Big Day

Well Miss Skylar had her big day at school. Awards day was yesterday. They did a really cute program and then gave out awards. She received two awards. Sky got a writing award an art award. She was very excited. I was the very proud grandmother (mother). As I have written about before Sky's mother is not in the picture. I am grandmother and mother. Sometimes I feel way too old for the mother job, but friends, this little precious child looks and acts just like me. How in the world could I be anything else to her. I guess it does keep me yound. Maybe it is making me older. Who knows. Either way, I gladly take on this role and I was very proud today to be there for her big day. Getting dressed that morning was a challenge. She has her own opinion of what she wants to wear and I have mine. Right now they are not even close. We compromised and actually she looked very cute.
Now for summer break and then on to the first grade. I am not sure if I am ready but I am certain Skylar is more than ready. She is ready to take the world on every day full force. She is not a wall flower so I think she will do well. It is up to me to teach her not to take crap from anyone. I am doing my best.
I want her to be a lawyer or a doctor or something like that. She wants to be a hair fixer. The struggle continues. Ha
Everyone have a wonderful day and tell the ones you love that you do love them. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Shhhhh. The Secret.

This is a really big secret. I really do not want Ben, (out donkey) to know this. I have grass coming up in the pasture. I have small green patches sticking it's little grass head out all around where I have planted. We actually had a nice soaking rain yesterday and we are going to have sunshine today. I think that will be a great combination. I believe more little grass will poke their heads out. Friends, I must share with you how excited I am. All of you know I planted grass 3 times and even watered some of it by hand trying to get it to grow. Now it is finally coming up. The soaking rain should really help me so very much. Ben still rolls in his favorite dirt spot in the middle of my grass seed, but it is coming up in other places so this is really great. I am hoping for a nice green field of little grass blades by the end of the week.
Everyone have a wonderful day and tell the ones you love that you do love them.