Thursday, June 6, 2013

Sky's Big Day

Well Miss Skylar had her big day at school. Awards day was yesterday. They did a really cute program and then gave out awards. She received two awards. Sky got a writing award an art award. She was very excited. I was the very proud grandmother (mother). As I have written about before Sky's mother is not in the picture. I am grandmother and mother. Sometimes I feel way too old for the mother job, but friends, this little precious child looks and acts just like me. How in the world could I be anything else to her. I guess it does keep me yound. Maybe it is making me older. Who knows. Either way, I gladly take on this role and I was very proud today to be there for her big day. Getting dressed that morning was a challenge. She has her own opinion of what she wants to wear and I have mine. Right now they are not even close. We compromised and actually she looked very cute.
Now for summer break and then on to the first grade. I am not sure if I am ready but I am certain Skylar is more than ready. She is ready to take the world on every day full force. She is not a wall flower so I think she will do well. It is up to me to teach her not to take crap from anyone. I am doing my best.
I want her to be a lawyer or a doctor or something like that. She wants to be a hair fixer. The struggle continues. Ha
Everyone have a wonderful day and tell the ones you love that you do love them. Thanks for reading.

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