Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Miss Lucky Kitty out smarted me

This is Miss Lucky Kitty, my barn cat. I believe I have mentioned her in a blog or two. She showed up at my barn in late March after a rain storm and has been my barn cat ever since. She has been very friendly and loving. We now call her our cat. Even my husband, who claims not to like cats, lets her sit on his lap. Well Miss Kitty kept getting fatter and fatter and finally we decided she was going to have babies. Well friends, I was excited. Baby kittens to play with and spoil. How wonderful. We got her a box and put down towels and was ready for the wonderful event. She got fatter and fatter. She looked like she was going to explode. Then this past weekend she disappeared. I was worried. I have had really bad luck with barn cats. We have fox and I do worry about Miss Kitty. I also knew she could have gone somewhere else to have her babies. I made her a nice place but maybe not to her liking. Well Miss Kitty was back for breakfast yesterday morning. She was also very thin. Somewhere she had little baby kittens. I checked and it did appear she was nursing. No kittens in the barn. I am disappointed. I can only hope she brings them to the barn in a few days. I hope she does.
I really wanted baby kittens to hold and love. I guess Kitty did not want me holding and loving on her babies. If no babies in a few days I will have to stalk her and find them. A friend told me if I do this she will move them again. I guess Miss Lucky Kitty has out smarted me. I have only lost the battle, not the war. I will keep looking.
Everyone have a wonderful day and tell the ones you love that you do love them. Thanks for reading.

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