Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Good Morning

Good Morning. Hope everyone had a great night. I should sum up a few things from previous blogs. Miss Kitty has her kittens behind the hay in the barn. I have not seen them but I know they are there because she continues to go behind the hay all the time and once or twice she has come out from behind the hay after we have been at the barn for a short while. Something behind that hay keep her attention and I am betting it is babies. We have not seen them but with kittens it is only a matter of time and we will.
Construction at the barn is 98% complete and the guys did a wonderful job. Mostly left is clean up and just a couple of minor things. Clean up is this Saturday and the other minor things should come probably this week. It really looks great and the horses and Ben love the new stalls.
We have had lots of rain in the last few weeks and the mud problem is huge at the barn. We have a few ideas of how to help with this problem and we will begin that also this weekend.
I will have pictures of the new barn addition soon. I want to wait until clean up to take pictures.
Hopefully one day I will have pictures of the new kittens. Have to wait and see on that one.
All the animals are doing well. Lil Ben still rolls in that one spot and I never grew grass there, but grass did come up in other places and that seems to be working itself out. Bermuda grass runs all over so with time we should have grass there.
The horses are doing well. Hope managed to cut herself and the vet had to come out but she is doing good. Sage had a round with colic but we overcame and she is her normal fiesty self now. Missy has stayed out of trouble so far and she is good also.
Thank you for reading and as always tell the ones you love that you do love them.
Have a really great day.

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