Wednesday, February 27, 2013

It's gone

Well I cut it off. I just could not stand the longer, frizzy, curly mop that was on top of my head. It is gone. I did not get a buzz or anything, but it is short. Feels way better and I personally think it looks way better. I know, there is a chance that I will be mistaken for a boy the next time I venture into a store wearing work boots, ball cap and oversize cloths. Maybe long dangle earrings or something. Something that will catch their eye so they will take a longer look. Does it really matter? I think not. Of all the things going on in my life right now, the fact that someone thinks I am a boy is really not important to me. I am not a boy and my husband knows the difference, even when I wear work boots and a ball cap.
Decision made and I am happy with it. I will try to post a before and after picture later. I will have to see if there is a before picture and take an after picture.
Everyone have a wonderful day and tell the people you love that you love them. Thanks for reading. :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Short or Long???????

Long or short. How to wear the hair. I have natural curly hair and it is mostly a huge frizzy mess looking like something from the 70's. When I was younger and still living at home, I had to wear long because my Dad loved long hair. It was down to my waist. I hated it. Seriously, hated it. When I moved out into the world I had my hair cut. At first it was shoulder length. This was ok, but I went shorter and shorter. Curly hair does way better when it is short. For me anyway. Well a few months ago I had to stop by a local small store when I returning home from the barn. I had the short hair, work boots, baseball cap, (it keep dirt out of my hair), large sweatshirt, (to layer to keep warm) and jeans. Someone called me Sir in the store. They thought I was a boy. I have not been mistaken for a boy for MANY years. Now when I was younger I used to dress like a boy to go hunting or hang with the guys. It was always fun to see if I could pull off the boy look. This has not been a goal of mine for years now.
I decided to let the hair grow out some so I would not look like a boy. Friends, I hate it. I have this huge frizz mess on top of my head that I cannot do anything with. Today I go to get a haircut. I cannot decide to cut it all off or let it grow some more. I really want to cut it all off, but would be nice to look like a girl.
I did look at some of the Hollywood stars on the red carpet for the Oscar's and many of them had very short hair and still looked like girls. But they were wearing designer evening gowns, not jeans and boots. When you see the rodeo girls most of them have long hair with their jeans. What to do. Maybe if I could get a hair transplant. Do they have those? Does insurance cover it? Can you change the color? I really do not know what to do. I hate curly hair. People with straight hair want curls, and people with curly hair want straight hair. Guess it goes back to you can never satisfy people.
Back to me and the hair. I guess it will always be curly but it is my choice if it is short or long. I do not know what to do. I think I want bangs but they curl up also and this causes problems. Help!!!
Well I have an appointment this evening at 7 pm and I must make up my mind. Cut it all off or let it grow??
Everyone have a wonderful day and thanks for reading. Tell the people you love that you love them.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Just Breathe

Just Breathe. My philosophy for life. I even have it tattooed on my person somewhere. If you will just breathe, something will change. It might not be better, but you might can deal with it better. It might be better. It might just be different. But you must always Just breathe.
Have a wonderful day and thanks for reading. Just breathe.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


We had a light dusting of snow yesterday. Sage actully walked out in it and then ran back to the barn. I have no pictures of Ben out in the snow because Ben did not get out in the snow. He stood in the barn and looked out. I can only guess Ben does not like snow. Really do not think Sage cared much for it but I was able to get this really cool picture of her running back to the barn.
It was very pretty falling and now it is gone. That is the way I like snow.

Friday, February 15, 2013


The Daffodil is my favorite flower. It has simple beauty and most always represents Spring. They have a pleasant smell that is not over powering. They seem to grow wild in my area. Now I know it is not wild, just the product of where someone planted bulbs at some point in time, but they are not only in people's yards, but they grow along side the road and in fields. A field near my parents home has one entire end full of daffodils. The other name is Buttercups. I guess they do look like a buttercup.
Normally the blooming of the Daffodil means Spring is here. Things begin to warm and turn green and the days start to get longer. Spring; one of my most favorite times. Warm, but not too hot. Flowers blooming, trees turning green, and baby animals being born. I just love it.
Now the problem. It is Feb. 15. Days are a little warm but not much. Nothing is green. No baby birds. But the Daffodils have almost bloomed out. We had a week of warm weather and they were tricked into blooming early. Now cold nights are wrecking havoc on them and they will not be here much longer. They were beautiful while they lasted.
Maybe the inconsistent rodent was right and Spring is here early. I will watch closely the trees for buds. I will watch other flowers for bloom. I will peep into small bushes for nest with eggs. But in all of this I will miss the daffodil. My favorite flower came early this year and will leave early. It was most beautiful.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My heart hurts

Miss Tulip left this world on Tuesday, Feb 12, 2013 at 11:10 in the morning. My husband and I were with her. I loved her so much and she gave back that love unconditionally in many ways. She was the sweetest little girl. My heart hurts.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


This is Miss Tulip. She is my baby. Tulip is 14 1/2 years old. In the last week she has gotten very sick. She will not eat and will drink very litle. She spent 2 days at the vet on IV's taking in fluids because she was so dehydrated. She has not eaten anything in 5 days. I have offered many things that she loves but she will not touch anything. She will drink a little water, but I am certain not enough to keep her hydrated. The vet cannot find anything infection in her blood work, but she offers some insight into what might be going on. In the last few weeks Tulip has become confused and forgetful. She can get lost in the corner of the room. The vet feels something is going on with her brain. Maybe a tumor or some other problem. None of the ideas offered up have a postive outcome. She does not feel Tulip is suffering, but does feel she is very sick. She cannot last long without food. We can do more fluids, but this will only buy us maybe a few days. At some point we will have to decide if it is time to let Miss Tulip slip away to the next life. If she begins to suffer, we might have to help her do this.
I love this little baby. She came into my life after I lost another miniature I had had for 15 years, CoCo. He has a stroke and was suffering and we had to make the decision to help him into his next life. It broke my heart. Tulip healed my heart. She was the best little girl and still is. She has never been bad. She has been my companion for all these years. She has traveled with us to both the ocean and the mountains. She has gotten many compliments due to her solid black color. She has always been a tiny little thing and very easy to carry. She always behaved wonderful, wherever we took her.
My heart is breaking. I do not want her to suffer and I will be able to make the right decisions when the time comes (and that time is very near) I love animals and this one holds a very special place in my heart. My heart breaks knowing I am going to have to give her up. When we get pets we know we may have to give them up one day, but if we love them like we are suppose to, giving them up is very hard.
Tulip has slept in my bed every night for 14 1/2 years. She has been there more than my husband. She knows all my secrets and knows all my feelings. She loves me and is always so very glad to see me.
I fear my life with this wonderful companion is coming down to only days left. I am so sad and I feel my heart breaking. I will no longer know the gift of unconditional love from her.
This love I have received from her lives in my heart and I hope and pray it will help give me strength to go on. I have such wonderful memories and will never forget. I pray she knows how much I love her and how much she has brought into my life.
It is very hard saying Goodbye to someone who you love. I do so very much love this little girl and am so grateful for all she has brought into my life. She will live on in my heart.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Frieda with Naturally Curly Hair

This is Frieda, from the Charlie Brown (Peanuts) cartoon. She has naturally curly hair. She loves her naturally curly hair.
I have naturally curly hair. I do not love it. I have been unhappy with my hair my entire life. When I was growing up my Father loved long hair on girls, so I was forced to have long hair. Long curly hair is a disaster. It constantly has tangles and looks like you have put your finger in a light socket.  All my friends had long straight hair and could have many hair styles. I could just have long and frizzy.
For a short time curly hair came in style. Everyone wanted the curly look. But the curly look they wanted was long curls that did not become frizzy. That is not naturally curly hair. That is man made curls that stay in place. The first thing I did when I became old enough to make my own decisions was cut my hair. Short curly hair was more to my liking. I thought anyway. The style was always short and curly, but the frizzy was much easier to manage. Short hair was in style and I could at least be half way in style. Many times older ladies will approach me and ask me who did my perm because it was wonderful. Once I told a lady that the person who did my perm would not work on just anyone. She insisted on knowing the name and I told her God did my perm and he was not in the hair style business. She was offended. I found it very funny.
Well now, I am trying to grow my hair a little longer. Recently I was out and about wearing jeans, boots, a very large hoodie and a baseball type cap. Someone thought I was a boy from a distance. A boy? I guess the jeans and very large hoodie threw them. Ha Ha
Well in a couple of months I have to go to a large event to honor a friend. The dress code will be jeans, boots and maybe hats. I want to look like a girl, so I though some hair hanging out from under the hat might help that along.
Now long hair is against everything I am. I hate the frizzy, just got out of the bed look all the time. I hate having it touch the back of my neck. I really hate having to work at getting it dry every morning after I shower. I am doing something that is against everything I believe, just to try and look different at this event. Maybe I should just cut off the hair and do my very best to pass as a boy. This would surely backfire and I would look like a girl for sure. Maybe heavy make-up and large jewelry would do the trick. I could come off as a drag queen. Ha Ha
I will continue to let it grow for now, but I must tell you, this is annoying me so very much. I cannot stand it touching my neck.
Frieda, what in the world were you thinking loving that naturally curly hair???

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Houdini or something close to it

This is Houdini (another name is Ben, our donkey). He has become an escape artist. Today I drove past the horse pasture on my home to have a little lunch. I always look out to see if my babies are OK. Well to my surprise, one of my babies was on the wrong side of the pasture. Guess who?? It would seem that a certain donkey has managed to find his way into the side of the pasture that I normally use to ride the horse in. I use 2 acres for riding and about 8 acres for living. Well the horse was on the  right side of the pasture running up and down where the gate is, having a minor stroke. So, I made a quick decision and stopped the car and walked out through the barn and into the pasture. Ben just stood there looking at me while Sage begin to make many horse sounds and ran up to the gate and looked at me as if to say, "Look what Ben did, Mommy"
I walked over to the gate and she ran up and was still making horse sounds at me. I looked over at Ben and he was eating grass and watching me. I decided to let the horse in to that side until I could take the time to chase him back. I opened the gate and the horse bolted through. She ran up to Ben and shoved him, as if to say, I am mad at you.
The chain that holds the gate closed was broken. There was a fence post at the gate broken in half. The opening was just large enough for Ben to squeeze through, but not large enough for Sage. He had left her behind. She was not happy.
Now there is the same type of grass on both sides of this pasture. I really see no advantage to being on one side as opposed to the other. But, I am neither donkey or horse, so it is possible there is something there that I am not seeing. My round pen is on this side, but that is for working the horse, no grazing. The enterance to this area was closed, so the horse could not get in.
I made my way home to have some lunch. On the way back to work, I drove by again to see if all was OK. Well there in the middle of my round pen was Houdini (Ben) laying down taking a nap in the sun. The horse was standing ourside the pen looking at him. I could only guess that Ben went under the wire, while Sage was too large to go under. Not only does he break out of things, but he also can break in to them.
I made a mental note to look into putting up more wire on this round pen while I repair the gate and fence post this coming weekend. Until then, they will be able to have both sides of the pasture to wander in. Now I have to hope they stay out of my hay that I have stored on this side of the pasture behind the barn. I do not need to go over in the morning and find 50 bales of hay scattered all over the back side of the barn.
The joys and excitement of having a donkey and horse. Now they are costing me extra money and causing problems with keeping them confined to one area. The fun I am having.
Happy Happy Joy Joy, and please remind me whose idea it was to get a donkey.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Inconsistent Rodent

Ok, here we go. Let's get our extended weather forecast from a short, jittery, inconsistent, reddish brown rodent.
Seriously? Where did this tradition come from? I really am confused. Actually, more amused is really the correct emotion. I am not sure how the groundhog is able to predict the weather. He missed it so bad last year that I have lost all faith, (if I had any faith in such a rodent)
Skylar came home from school a couple of days ago talking about wanting to see them pull the groundhog out of the ground so he could tell the weather. She said he would be mad and she wanted to watch it on TV. OK, groundhog day is not a topic around the dinner table at our house so I must assume they were discussing it at school. She was very excited. She just could not wait to see this. I tried to show her a clip from the movie, Groundhog Day will Bill Murry on YouTube, but she would have none of it. It will not happen until tomorrow she said, so she would wait. I did see on the internet this morning that Phil did not see his shadow this morning and we would have an early Spring. Well I hope he is right. I am ready for warm weather and longer days. Skylar slept through it. She is still sleeping. I must guess she has forgotten about it or does not realize it has already happen. She will be disappointed, this I am certain. We will pull something up on YouTube and she can see it.
Should we in the South pay attention to a rodent from PA, or should we seek out our own local rodent and ask them about the weather. Maybe that is where we have been going wrong all along. I do not see how a groundhog from PA would know about the weather in NC. Do we have groundhogs in NC? I really do not know. I know we have beavers, so maybe one of them could predict the weather. Finding them can be difficult, so I guess I should pick another rodent. Maybe the gray squirrel? They are everywhere and one just might have the answer. It is very cold this morning and the sun is shinning. If they poke their heads out this morning they will surely see their shadow, so I believe I will just let them be.
Phil said this morning in PA that Spring will come early. How early? If he had seen his shadow we would have 6 more weeks of winter. Wait, there is already 6 more weeks of winter? Does this mean that Spring will be here next week? Now I am more confused. OK, exactly how early is Spring going to be here. Maybe in 5 weeks and 6 days?
At what point in time did we begin asking the groundhog to predict the weather and how did Phil become the official groundhog?
It is 25 degrees in NC this morning, which is not Spring and I have to go to the barn and feed the horses and work on the roof, which was damaged from the wind storm early this week, when the temps were Spring like.
Inconsistent Rodent??!!xx???