Saturday, February 2, 2013

Inconsistent Rodent

Ok, here we go. Let's get our extended weather forecast from a short, jittery, inconsistent, reddish brown rodent.
Seriously? Where did this tradition come from? I really am confused. Actually, more amused is really the correct emotion. I am not sure how the groundhog is able to predict the weather. He missed it so bad last year that I have lost all faith, (if I had any faith in such a rodent)
Skylar came home from school a couple of days ago talking about wanting to see them pull the groundhog out of the ground so he could tell the weather. She said he would be mad and she wanted to watch it on TV. OK, groundhog day is not a topic around the dinner table at our house so I must assume they were discussing it at school. She was very excited. She just could not wait to see this. I tried to show her a clip from the movie, Groundhog Day will Bill Murry on YouTube, but she would have none of it. It will not happen until tomorrow she said, so she would wait. I did see on the internet this morning that Phil did not see his shadow this morning and we would have an early Spring. Well I hope he is right. I am ready for warm weather and longer days. Skylar slept through it. She is still sleeping. I must guess she has forgotten about it or does not realize it has already happen. She will be disappointed, this I am certain. We will pull something up on YouTube and she can see it.
Should we in the South pay attention to a rodent from PA, or should we seek out our own local rodent and ask them about the weather. Maybe that is where we have been going wrong all along. I do not see how a groundhog from PA would know about the weather in NC. Do we have groundhogs in NC? I really do not know. I know we have beavers, so maybe one of them could predict the weather. Finding them can be difficult, so I guess I should pick another rodent. Maybe the gray squirrel? They are everywhere and one just might have the answer. It is very cold this morning and the sun is shinning. If they poke their heads out this morning they will surely see their shadow, so I believe I will just let them be.
Phil said this morning in PA that Spring will come early. How early? If he had seen his shadow we would have 6 more weeks of winter. Wait, there is already 6 more weeks of winter? Does this mean that Spring will be here next week? Now I am more confused. OK, exactly how early is Spring going to be here. Maybe in 5 weeks and 6 days?
At what point in time did we begin asking the groundhog to predict the weather and how did Phil become the official groundhog?
It is 25 degrees in NC this morning, which is not Spring and I have to go to the barn and feed the horses and work on the roof, which was damaged from the wind storm early this week, when the temps were Spring like.
Inconsistent Rodent??!!xx???

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