Friday, February 15, 2013


The Daffodil is my favorite flower. It has simple beauty and most always represents Spring. They have a pleasant smell that is not over powering. They seem to grow wild in my area. Now I know it is not wild, just the product of where someone planted bulbs at some point in time, but they are not only in people's yards, but they grow along side the road and in fields. A field near my parents home has one entire end full of daffodils. The other name is Buttercups. I guess they do look like a buttercup.
Normally the blooming of the Daffodil means Spring is here. Things begin to warm and turn green and the days start to get longer. Spring; one of my most favorite times. Warm, but not too hot. Flowers blooming, trees turning green, and baby animals being born. I just love it.
Now the problem. It is Feb. 15. Days are a little warm but not much. Nothing is green. No baby birds. But the Daffodils have almost bloomed out. We had a week of warm weather and they were tricked into blooming early. Now cold nights are wrecking havoc on them and they will not be here much longer. They were beautiful while they lasted.
Maybe the inconsistent rodent was right and Spring is here early. I will watch closely the trees for buds. I will watch other flowers for bloom. I will peep into small bushes for nest with eggs. But in all of this I will miss the daffodil. My favorite flower came early this year and will leave early. It was most beautiful.

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