Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Houdini or something close to it

This is Houdini (another name is Ben, our donkey). He has become an escape artist. Today I drove past the horse pasture on my home to have a little lunch. I always look out to see if my babies are OK. Well to my surprise, one of my babies was on the wrong side of the pasture. Guess who?? It would seem that a certain donkey has managed to find his way into the side of the pasture that I normally use to ride the horse in. I use 2 acres for riding and about 8 acres for living. Well the horse was on the  right side of the pasture running up and down where the gate is, having a minor stroke. So, I made a quick decision and stopped the car and walked out through the barn and into the pasture. Ben just stood there looking at me while Sage begin to make many horse sounds and ran up to the gate and looked at me as if to say, "Look what Ben did, Mommy"
I walked over to the gate and she ran up and was still making horse sounds at me. I looked over at Ben and he was eating grass and watching me. I decided to let the horse in to that side until I could take the time to chase him back. I opened the gate and the horse bolted through. She ran up to Ben and shoved him, as if to say, I am mad at you.
The chain that holds the gate closed was broken. There was a fence post at the gate broken in half. The opening was just large enough for Ben to squeeze through, but not large enough for Sage. He had left her behind. She was not happy.
Now there is the same type of grass on both sides of this pasture. I really see no advantage to being on one side as opposed to the other. But, I am neither donkey or horse, so it is possible there is something there that I am not seeing. My round pen is on this side, but that is for working the horse, no grazing. The enterance to this area was closed, so the horse could not get in.
I made my way home to have some lunch. On the way back to work, I drove by again to see if all was OK. Well there in the middle of my round pen was Houdini (Ben) laying down taking a nap in the sun. The horse was standing ourside the pen looking at him. I could only guess that Ben went under the wire, while Sage was too large to go under. Not only does he break out of things, but he also can break in to them.
I made a mental note to look into putting up more wire on this round pen while I repair the gate and fence post this coming weekend. Until then, they will be able to have both sides of the pasture to wander in. Now I have to hope they stay out of my hay that I have stored on this side of the pasture behind the barn. I do not need to go over in the morning and find 50 bales of hay scattered all over the back side of the barn.
The joys and excitement of having a donkey and horse. Now they are costing me extra money and causing problems with keeping them confined to one area. The fun I am having.
Happy Happy Joy Joy, and please remind me whose idea it was to get a donkey.

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