Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to Everyone. It is a wonderful time of the year with flowers blooming (well maybe if not so cold, but I will not go into that) birds singing and fresh green grass and trees poping up all over. A wonderful time of the year. Everyone enjoy this Easter and please visit the ones you love and tell them you love them. Happy Easter.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Easter and Springtime.

Easter is just a few days away. I am pretty sure the Easter bunny will be stopping by my house. Skylar has a new Easter dress (which was designed for warm weather so we might have a problem). Isn't it suppose to be warm for Easter and have flowers blooming? I think that is the way I remember Easter when I was growing up. Well I could be wrong but really not sure anymore. I promise not to get off on the I am cold rant again. I think everyone has the idea.
The new horses will be arriving this weekend as well. I think I mentioned in a previous blog that Gerald's sister got his brother's horses and they will be coming back to North Carolina to live in my pasture. Sage is excited about meeting her cousins. Well I think she is excited. She and Lil Ben are cold because they have started shedding and it is cold. Anyway she hangs around the barn a lot, so I think she is waiting for her cousins, but I guess it could be because she is cold and it is a little warmer in the barn. Well maybe some of both, but there again, I am really not sure.
I am both excited and nervous about the horses. Three horses and one donkey to deal with every morning will be really different than what I am used to. But I love horses and the excitement of having two more living there is taking front and center to anything else right now. I just hope everyone gets along.
Skylar is having Spring pictures made at school today. She had to wear long sleeves and leggings under her skirt. Way too cold to wear her new sleeveless dress. She still looks very cute and I think pictures will be good. Guess we will have to go elsewhere for pictures in her Easter dress later when it warms up.
Happy Easter to everyone and please take a moment to tell the ones you love that you do love them.
Thanks for reading. Oh, in case you did not know, it is cold for this time of year.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Short, Jittery, Inconsistent, Reddish Brown Rodent

It was 21 degrees this morning and not looking like it will be much better in the morning. Ugh!

Why is it cold when the calender says it's Spring

Wednesday was the first day of Spring. Welcome warm temps, pretty flowers, longer days. So why is it 30 degrees out this morning and sooooo cold? We had one really beautiful day before the calender claimed it was Springtime. It was so nice. 75 degrees, sunshine, flowers, happy people. Then something went terribly wrong. I think someone is confused. Well other than me. I even heard a rumor that it might snow this weekend. Snow????
It has been very cool out since the first day of Spring. Well personally I think 42 degrees is cold, not cool, but I am trying to be optimistic. It keeps getting colder though. My poor horse and donkey had started shedding their winter coats, (they must have looked at the calender too). I am certain they are cold now. I have blankets for them. Sure the horse would do fine with one but my poor little donkey has most likely never had one on and he might flip out or something. They have been hanging out in the barn a lot. It is warmer in there, although not much, but warmer is warmer and is better, so I guess they realize this. I put extra hay down for them so they might lay down and be comfortable. Now people that is the kind of things you do in Winter, not Spring.
There were some Springtime flowers poking their heads out of the ground, but if they had decided to bloom out they are now gone. The cold has got them. Really sad. Spring flowers are my favorite. Easter is in one week. I hope we are not hiding eggs in the snow!
I personally am not sure what has happen but there must be someone to blame for this. I choose to blame the democrats!! It has to be their fault! It just has to be.
Springtime please come back. I am cold and I am ready for short sleeves and sunshine and warm temps all around.
Thank you for reading and remember to tell the ones you love that you do love them.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Night Visitor

As I have mentioned before I live in a very small town which is so rural that entertainment has to be invented. Now being from the South, we can invent some odd entertainment. In recent weeks it is trying really hard to be Spring where I live. We have been feeding the birds. My husband got the bright idea that buying suet cakes for the birds and putting them on the rail of the deck was great fun. The birds were up close and we had a great view. The problem was that every morning the cake would be gone. Once the entire basket and cake were gone. He blamed the neighbor's dog. Then we begin to have a problem with something tearing out our trash. He felt sure it was the neighbor's cat.
Did I mention my husband is not from a rural area but a rather large city.
Anyway I told him I thought we had a possum that was hanging around. In the south we drop the O. Here they are not opossum but just possum. He did not think this was true.
I put some food scraps in a bowl out on the deck one evening late with every intention of throwing them into the edge of our yard the next morning for the neighbor's dog. (And we wonder why the dog continues to come back) Well later in the night I wandered into the kitchen to get a drink of water. From the moonlight I saw movement on the deck. I got the flashlight and guess what was there, eating the food scraps. You got it. The possum. I woke my husband up and told him to come look. The flashlight did not effect the possum at all. He continue to eat and act as if he never saw us. By this time my son was up, wondering what the noise was about. Well people my husband thought the possum was great. He could not get over how close it was, (we have sliding glass doors and it was just on the other side). You would have thought this was his first time. He loved it. Seriously. He said he wanted to open the door and touch it. Both my son and I laughed and said Good Luck with that idea. He did not try this, (Well not yet anyway)
Well apparently if you continue to put some type of food out this possum will keep coming back. (Kind of like the neighbor dog) He finds this entertaining. So we are putting food out for the possum. Now we do not get up every night to look at him, but the food is always gone. Personally I do not think this is the best idea because we encourage this possum to come back all the time and he will tear open the trash. This is a mess. My husband has a solution. Get a larger trash can. Should I tell him the possum can climb and a larger can will just mean more of a mess for the possum? Or worse, get a larger plastic can and let the possum fall into it and be there when my husband goes outside. Then he can touch it. Ha Ha Ha
Well we do have a little night visitor and he is getting fed really well. Sure hope it is not a she and her family begins to come with her. City folks. Ha
Thanks for reading and tell the ones you love that you do love them.
Feed the possums. They are hungry too as my husband would say.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sleep will not come

It is almost 1:30 am in my little home. It is very quite, mostly because everyone is sleeping. (Well everyone but me) Sleep will not come. I have either a horrible cold or a sinus infection or something that makes me feel really bad. I cannot breathe (which really is not good since my motto for life is Just Breathe), I am constantly coughing, I have a small fever, and I ache all over. Yep, you got it, I feel miserable. Had to come home from work early today and have a Dr appointment in the morning.
Now that I have whined to all of you, let's get on with the no sleep. For a couple of days I can run on 2 or 3 hours of sleep a night but by the 3rd day I am crashing. This will be night 2 of almost no sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day. I will go the the Dr. then off to work (unless Dr says no). This is my week to stay late at work. Husband is not coming home tomorrow night, so I will have to get a little girl ready for bed. A long day. I need sleep. Sleep will not come. Probably because I cannot breathe, but who knows.
I could take something but then I will not want to wake up at 6:30 in the morning and that would not be good either. I have to get ready for my early Dr appointment.
I do not see an easy solution for this sleepless night. I do not see sleep coming. I still cannot breathe. My head hurts. My chest aches. I cannot stop coughing. I am rambling and whining. Yep you got it. I am not a good sick person. I whine.
Sorry for the depressing post and please come back when I feel better and I will write something cheerful. Or at least I will try.
Thanks for reading and please tell the people you love that you do love them.
Oh and thanks for listening to the whining. I appreciate it.

Monday, March 11, 2013

March 13th

March 13th is only a couple of days away. This would have been my Nanny's (grandmother) birthday. If she were on this earth today she would be 113. She has been gone 20 years but I remember her so very well. She was the most wonderful lady who loved everyone. (except republicans) Well she probably loved them as well but there is a funny story about that. (For another day) I was the oldest grandchild and I never doubted her love. Her face would light up and she always smiled when I entered the room. I remember this so very well. As a child I often spent Saturday nights with her. She always had a great snack for me and made me pancakes for breakfast. To this very day I only like my pancakes the way Nanny made them. Cake like not thin and rubbery. It is the only way.
There is no doubt this wonderful lady is in heaven. There was no one any better. She was kind and loving and just extra special. I miss her. I think of her often and the way she would smile when I came into the room. I miss it. Even after 20 years I can still remember how much she loved me. The kind of love that everyone should experience at least once in their life. Real genuine love from the heart.
Happy Birthday in heaven Nanny. I love you and miss you very much. Most of all, I remember the way you loved me and miss it. The memories live on in my heart and I am so very glad I have them.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

One little hour

Well here we are, one night into daylight savings time. Yea, one more hour of daylight today. But the problem is I have one less hour of sleep. Funny how one hour can be so exciting and then you realize you are tired because you lost sleep. I stayed up late watching the Duke - Carolina game. Yes I was happy with the winner, but I am certainly in a minority with lots of my friends. Folks, I hang out with a Carolina crowd but really I am a Duke fan. This is not a secret, but there are times in my life when it is just best to keep quite or I could be hurt.
Funny it was the one thing Gerald and I just did not discuss. He was a huge Carolina fan. His daughter graduated from this fine institution with honors. I will never forget the first time this subject came up. He said something about Carolina and I just matter of fact said, Well I am a Duke fan. People that look was priceless. Funny now that I remember it. It was only mentioned a few times more during our friendship but each time I got that look.
Sorry, I am rambling. Back to this one hour time thing. I am very excited about more daylight in the evenings. This means more time at the barn and more time with the horse and donkey. But I did not remember that it meant one less hour of sleep this one day and I will feel bad for this day. Well it is just one day right. Certainly worth it for several months of saddle time. Sure!!
Spent a little time at the barn yesterday, cleaning stalls and enjoying some love time with my babies. Hard to love on babies that weight 1200 lbs and 600 lbs, but I do manage it and enjoy doing it. I am going to take the saddle over today and ride some.
Everyone have just the best day and thanks for reading. Tell the ones you love that you love them. We never know.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


The sun is shinning and the tempatures are suppose to be in the 60's today. Tomorrow is suppose to be even better and we have a time change so tomorrow we have an extra hour of daylight! Look out weekend, here I come and it is going to be GREAT! 
Everyone enjoy your weekend and go outside and have some sunshine. Tell the ones you love that you do love them.
Thanks for reading.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Spring???????? One can only hope.

Good Morning to the World. Well at least the people in the world that read my blog. The sun is shinning this morning and the rumor is our temps this weekend will be in the 70's. Well folks that means saddle time. I have been waiting for Spring and warmer weather for months now. We will have a sneak peak this weekend and I plan on enjoying it. Sage needs some saddle time too. She has forgotten she is a horse but I plan on reminding her this weekend. True it is possible she could remind me she does not want to have a saddle and rider on her back, but we will not think about that. I am planning on a great day of grooming and riding and having fun, for both of us. It is a plan and moving forward with it.
My hubby has the weekend off and we might actually go out to dinner one night. We never spend alone time together. Sometimes I think we live seperate lives and just share a house like roommates. I mentioned to him that going out to dinner might be fun and he actually said it did sound like fun and we might do it. Now I do know that we might do it gives him the opportunity to change his mind and back out and do something else. Might is that work. We might do this or I might do that or even this might happen, but it does give the person using might a chance to change things. Well, he said might, so I will go with it and plan for dinner. If he changes it, I might go to dinner with a girlfriend. I also might stay home or I might pack Miss Skylar up and take her somewhere. I actually want to go to dinner, so let's hope he does not change his mind.
The Great American Trail Horse Show and Sale is just a few weeks away. I am excited about going. It will be a fun time. I will admit to being sad that Gerald will not be there this year, but it is OK. He would want the event to go on and for everyone to have fun. I plan on having fun and enjoying myself. My friend that has planned to go with me backed out, so I guess I will be going alone. I tried to get hubby to go but he does not want to. I will make the trip alone and have fun. Yes, I will think of Gerald while I am there, but he will be watching from heaven and smiling. It will be a really fun time.
I got to head to work, so everyone have a wonderful day and tell the people you love that you love them. Thanks for reading.
Spring and Saddle time are right around the corner. Or I hope.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

6 months - 6 very long months

Monday will be March 4, 2013. Actually it will be my little brother's birthday. Honestly I am not sure of his age because I have been dishonest about my age for so long I have kinda lost track. I know he is younger than me. Little is not really the truth. He towers above me. He is very tall. I love my baby brother although I have not forgiven him for knocking me out of the baby status. I was the baby until he came along. Now I am not the baby in every way. It's OK. He has always been in my corner and it is good to know I will always have someone that will be in my corner. He does not get all into my business but is always there when I need him. Guess that is all you can ask for a brother, right? I love him and I know he loves me.
Monday will also be 6 months since Gerald passed away. 6 long months. I miss him very much. I actually think I miss him more each day. Maybe not. I know I miss him so very much. I sure think about him every day, many times each day. I miss his smile, his wonderful advice, the fact that he was just there, the way he always helped solve my problems, the fact that he was my friend. I miss his sense of humor. I do not think there is anything I do not miss. I even miss when we were annoyed with each other. I miss hearing him tell me about what was going on in his life. The new deals, new horses, new contacts, and anything else he had to tell me. I just miss being around him and enjoying the time with my friend.
I think of him everytime I look at Sage. She was the last gift he gave me and a wonderful gift she is. I know he would be so proud of the way she looks and how healthy she is. I know he would say I was doing a good job. Sure wish I could hear him say it. I guess I do hear him in my heart. He did tell me the last time I saw him that she looked really good and he was so glad she and I were getting along. We do get along. We do not ride all that much, but we get along really good. She is such a good girl.
He told me I had been a good friend and he loved me. I told him I loved him back and he would live forever in my heart. I am grateful for the chance to say good-bye. Many people do not get that chance to say I love you and thank you for all you did for me. I had that chance and I did tell him everything. I thought of many things I wanted to say later, but I said the important ones. He knew what was in my heart. I told him many times before he got sick. He knew.
I miss him so very much. Sometimes my heart hurts from the loss. Some days I remember the fun times and have a good laugh and smile. Sometimes I have a good cry because I miss him so much.
People say time will make it better. I sure wish time would make it a little better.
I am grateful he did not have to suffer too much before he left this world. I am grateful he was able to leave peaceful in his sleep. His last days were spent talking to friends that wanted to say good-bye and tell him how much they loved him. There were so many that made the journey to his home to tell him how much they loved him. He was a good person.
I loved him and miss him so very bad. Rest In Peace my dear friend and I will see you again one day. Know I love you and miss you so very much. Thank you for all you did but more than that, thank you for just being my true friend. As you told me once, that is what real friends do for one another. You were a real friend and I am honored to know you called me friend.