Thursday, March 7, 2013

Spring???????? One can only hope.

Good Morning to the World. Well at least the people in the world that read my blog. The sun is shinning this morning and the rumor is our temps this weekend will be in the 70's. Well folks that means saddle time. I have been waiting for Spring and warmer weather for months now. We will have a sneak peak this weekend and I plan on enjoying it. Sage needs some saddle time too. She has forgotten she is a horse but I plan on reminding her this weekend. True it is possible she could remind me she does not want to have a saddle and rider on her back, but we will not think about that. I am planning on a great day of grooming and riding and having fun, for both of us. It is a plan and moving forward with it.
My hubby has the weekend off and we might actually go out to dinner one night. We never spend alone time together. Sometimes I think we live seperate lives and just share a house like roommates. I mentioned to him that going out to dinner might be fun and he actually said it did sound like fun and we might do it. Now I do know that we might do it gives him the opportunity to change his mind and back out and do something else. Might is that work. We might do this or I might do that or even this might happen, but it does give the person using might a chance to change things. Well, he said might, so I will go with it and plan for dinner. If he changes it, I might go to dinner with a girlfriend. I also might stay home or I might pack Miss Skylar up and take her somewhere. I actually want to go to dinner, so let's hope he does not change his mind.
The Great American Trail Horse Show and Sale is just a few weeks away. I am excited about going. It will be a fun time. I will admit to being sad that Gerald will not be there this year, but it is OK. He would want the event to go on and for everyone to have fun. I plan on having fun and enjoying myself. My friend that has planned to go with me backed out, so I guess I will be going alone. I tried to get hubby to go but he does not want to. I will make the trip alone and have fun. Yes, I will think of Gerald while I am there, but he will be watching from heaven and smiling. It will be a really fun time.
I got to head to work, so everyone have a wonderful day and tell the people you love that you love them. Thanks for reading.
Spring and Saddle time are right around the corner. Or I hope.

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