Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Night Visitor

As I have mentioned before I live in a very small town which is so rural that entertainment has to be invented. Now being from the South, we can invent some odd entertainment. In recent weeks it is trying really hard to be Spring where I live. We have been feeding the birds. My husband got the bright idea that buying suet cakes for the birds and putting them on the rail of the deck was great fun. The birds were up close and we had a great view. The problem was that every morning the cake would be gone. Once the entire basket and cake were gone. He blamed the neighbor's dog. Then we begin to have a problem with something tearing out our trash. He felt sure it was the neighbor's cat.
Did I mention my husband is not from a rural area but a rather large city.
Anyway I told him I thought we had a possum that was hanging around. In the south we drop the O. Here they are not opossum but just possum. He did not think this was true.
I put some food scraps in a bowl out on the deck one evening late with every intention of throwing them into the edge of our yard the next morning for the neighbor's dog. (And we wonder why the dog continues to come back) Well later in the night I wandered into the kitchen to get a drink of water. From the moonlight I saw movement on the deck. I got the flashlight and guess what was there, eating the food scraps. You got it. The possum. I woke my husband up and told him to come look. The flashlight did not effect the possum at all. He continue to eat and act as if he never saw us. By this time my son was up, wondering what the noise was about. Well people my husband thought the possum was great. He could not get over how close it was, (we have sliding glass doors and it was just on the other side). You would have thought this was his first time. He loved it. Seriously. He said he wanted to open the door and touch it. Both my son and I laughed and said Good Luck with that idea. He did not try this, (Well not yet anyway)
Well apparently if you continue to put some type of food out this possum will keep coming back. (Kind of like the neighbor dog) He finds this entertaining. So we are putting food out for the possum. Now we do not get up every night to look at him, but the food is always gone. Personally I do not think this is the best idea because we encourage this possum to come back all the time and he will tear open the trash. This is a mess. My husband has a solution. Get a larger trash can. Should I tell him the possum can climb and a larger can will just mean more of a mess for the possum? Or worse, get a larger plastic can and let the possum fall into it and be there when my husband goes outside. Then he can touch it. Ha Ha Ha
Well we do have a little night visitor and he is getting fed really well. Sure hope it is not a she and her family begins to come with her. City folks. Ha
Thanks for reading and tell the ones you love that you do love them.
Feed the possums. They are hungry too as my husband would say.

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