Friday, March 22, 2013

Why is it cold when the calender says it's Spring

Wednesday was the first day of Spring. Welcome warm temps, pretty flowers, longer days. So why is it 30 degrees out this morning and sooooo cold? We had one really beautiful day before the calender claimed it was Springtime. It was so nice. 75 degrees, sunshine, flowers, happy people. Then something went terribly wrong. I think someone is confused. Well other than me. I even heard a rumor that it might snow this weekend. Snow????
It has been very cool out since the first day of Spring. Well personally I think 42 degrees is cold, not cool, but I am trying to be optimistic. It keeps getting colder though. My poor horse and donkey had started shedding their winter coats, (they must have looked at the calender too). I am certain they are cold now. I have blankets for them. Sure the horse would do fine with one but my poor little donkey has most likely never had one on and he might flip out or something. They have been hanging out in the barn a lot. It is warmer in there, although not much, but warmer is warmer and is better, so I guess they realize this. I put extra hay down for them so they might lay down and be comfortable. Now people that is the kind of things you do in Winter, not Spring.
There were some Springtime flowers poking their heads out of the ground, but if they had decided to bloom out they are now gone. The cold has got them. Really sad. Spring flowers are my favorite. Easter is in one week. I hope we are not hiding eggs in the snow!
I personally am not sure what has happen but there must be someone to blame for this. I choose to blame the democrats!! It has to be their fault! It just has to be.
Springtime please come back. I am cold and I am ready for short sleeves and sunshine and warm temps all around.
Thank you for reading and remember to tell the ones you love that you do love them.

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