Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sleep will not come

It is almost 1:30 am in my little home. It is very quite, mostly because everyone is sleeping. (Well everyone but me) Sleep will not come. I have either a horrible cold or a sinus infection or something that makes me feel really bad. I cannot breathe (which really is not good since my motto for life is Just Breathe), I am constantly coughing, I have a small fever, and I ache all over. Yep, you got it, I feel miserable. Had to come home from work early today and have a Dr appointment in the morning.
Now that I have whined to all of you, let's get on with the no sleep. For a couple of days I can run on 2 or 3 hours of sleep a night but by the 3rd day I am crashing. This will be night 2 of almost no sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day. I will go the the Dr. then off to work (unless Dr says no). This is my week to stay late at work. Husband is not coming home tomorrow night, so I will have to get a little girl ready for bed. A long day. I need sleep. Sleep will not come. Probably because I cannot breathe, but who knows.
I could take something but then I will not want to wake up at 6:30 in the morning and that would not be good either. I have to get ready for my early Dr appointment.
I do not see an easy solution for this sleepless night. I do not see sleep coming. I still cannot breathe. My head hurts. My chest aches. I cannot stop coughing. I am rambling and whining. Yep you got it. I am not a good sick person. I whine.
Sorry for the depressing post and please come back when I feel better and I will write something cheerful. Or at least I will try.
Thanks for reading and please tell the people you love that you do love them.
Oh and thanks for listening to the whining. I appreciate it.

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