Monday, January 14, 2013

Getting help for Socks

This pretty little girl is Socks. She lived very close to my home. I have tried for 2 years to get her some help. She has no food in her pasture and her owner does not feel her. As you can tell, she is in very bad shape. I finally found someone who would help her. She was rescued last week. She is now living at a rescue facility in another county. They are feeding her and have started a de-worming program. She was given a bath to get rid of lice and mites. She is put inside a barn at night to help stay warm.
I was told at first that they did not think she would make it, but she is hanging in there and hopefully getting better. As you know, I am a huge animal person. I cannot stand to see one abused. I promised Socks I would not give up on her and I did not. It took me longer than I had wanted it to, but finally I found help for her. Now she can live out her life knowing what kindness, food, warmth, and love is. She will never be hungry again. I am so grateful for this rescue society.
I hope to visit Socks one day soon and see her way more healthy and happy. Lets hope she does well and has plenty of time to enjoy the new found happiness in her life. I hope to post a better picture of her soon and she will look way better.
Thanks for reading and help animals that are abused. They cannot help themselves. Thank you.

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