Saturday, January 5, 2013

Oh Well

Oh Well. Life will certainly throw a curve at you every once in a while. In 2013 I am really going to try and duck so it will hit the person behind me. There is your warning, so if you are standing behind me, you had better be ready to duck also.
As we travel down this road we call life we meet lots and lots of people. Some will be very close friends while others will not work out that way. I have a person in my life that is sort of a friend but mostly a casual acquaintance that sometimes will be nicer than others and wants to be called a friend when it is convenient for them but not all the time. They say they are my friend and truly act that way when they want or need something but when they are busy with other things really do not act like even an acquaintance much less a casual friend or a real friend. I do not listen much to what others say about folk because I prefer to form my own opinion, but I have been told this is a person you should be cautious around, for they will use you when the time is good for them and then ignore you at other times.
OK, own with this story. For 2013 I have told you I am going to try and be a nicer person. Avoid the stress and drama and just go on with my life and enjoy what I want to enjoy. Along comes this person needing a favor. OK it was not a major favor so I helped out. They were very grateful and said Thanks and smiled. I smiled back and went on my way. No harm done and I was a nice person. No drama, so we are traveling along this road in 2013 with everything going as planned. Then:  I receive a message from another person saying the casual friend had complained about the way I did said favor and also complained that I was really unfriendly to them. OK, I really try to not listen to what others say and if I need to know something I go straight to the source and ask. So I called this person and ask if there was a problem. I was told "No, not really but I wish you had done this" (No details, sorry) Now folks if you ask me for something and you do not say exactly what you want and you tell me what I gave you or did for you was good, do not go around complaining about it behind my back. People talk. OK, stress has arrived in 2013 and it would appear it brought drama with it. I told this person they should have told me that to begin with and I probably could have helped, but now, it is too late and complaining is not helping anything. They took offense at my comment. I know by the tone in their voice when they said it was OK and they would chat with me later. It is not what you say but your tone many times.
Lesson learned. Now this person is not on my friend list, just the acquaintance list, which is the list that does not get attention in 2013 unless I happen to bump into you at the grocery or we happen to be at the same event. At these places you will get a polite Hello and I will keep walking. Do not call me for a favor, because I will be very busy that day. I already know my schedule will be full. I can see my calendar that far in advance. OK, stress and drama have been pushed to the side once again and I am traveling down the 2013 road trying to be a nicer person.
I hope I handled that one the right way. Everyone have a great weekend and tell your family and friends you love them.

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