Thursday, January 10, 2013

Winter?????????? again!!!!

The weather has been really beautiful the last couple of days. High's in the 60's. Suppose to stay this way through the weekend. Saddle time. Then the middle of next week it is suppose to change and the high will be in the low 30's. Seriously??? I really hate it when mother nature teases us with Spring and then brings Winter back full force. But...... I live in the South and she has done this all my life. Short sleeve weather one day and then heavy winter coat the next. We get very little snow in the South. This is why it is such a big deal. We just do not see it often and when we do, actually do not know what to do with it. I do not like cold weather and snow, which is why I live in the South. We do not have very much of it so I do not have to deal with it very often. I could move even further South and hopefully never have to deal with it, but I really do not like hurricanes and that trade off is acceptable for me. I will be cold once in a while as long as I am not blown away.
I have rambled on and on to say this. This weekend is Spring. High in the high 60's and sunshine. It should be great for outdoor activities and as you all know, I have an outdoor activity. I am looking forward to it.
The following weekend when Winter returns I will have to think about putting a blanket on my horse and donkey. I feel the horse will be OK with one. She has probably worn one before. The donkey, well that could be another story. I kinda doubt the little fellow has ever had one. He was a rescue when I got him and I do not think he had the best life in his first 8 years. As you all know I work very hard to make up for the first 8 years by spoiling him and feeding him and giving him the very best little donkey life I can possibly give him. Of course, a blanket is part of spoiling him but he most likely will not see it that way. It should be entertaining if nothing else. I will keep you posted.
Everyone have a wonderful week and thanks for reading. Stay warm.

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