Sunday, January 27, 2013

Skylar is "6"

Well Happy Birthday to Skylar. Today she is 6. Seems like yesterday I was waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting at the hospital for her to be born. Finally she was born, very early in the morning. We thought she was going to be born late at night, but NO, in true girl fashion she came a few hours later, in the early hours of the morning.
For her birthday, we took her and some friends to an Inflatible party place and let them run wild. This is better than having a crowd at your home in winter, (after an ice storm) running wild inside. But keeping up with a crowd of 5 and 6 year olds at a place like this can be over powering. They had fun. They ran and ran until they were exhausted. Then we took them to a Pizza buffet for lunch. Cake was at home later in the day. I think she had a great time. She got lots of great presents and played with most of her friends.
She is already telling us what she wants to do next year on her birthday. Bless her. She does not realize that next year is an entire year away and many things will change.
I reflect on the past 6 years and the many changes in my life. I was blessed with Skylar. I was not sure what to do with a little girl. She is a girl's girl. Not one ounce of Tom Boy in this one. I still cannot believe it. Not sure how this happen to me, but it did. Each day is an adventure, that is for sure.
I have lost people I loved and found new friends. I have lost beloved animals and gotten new ones that I loved just as much. My life has changed. I have become more spiritual and have really stopped putting up with the gossip and crap from people that do not matter. Walking away from people who want drama and trouble has become more easy. Holding on to the ones that want to be there has become more important.
I have watch my parents become old. This has been very sad for me.The people that have always taken care of me now need me to help them. I do, as much as they will allow. Independence is a big trait in my family.
Well today is Skylar's day. I am sure there will be many phone calls from family far away and she will have a big day.
Everyone have a good day and thanks for reading. Tell your family and friend you love them today.

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