Monday, January 21, 2013

Mixed emotions

Good Morning to Everyone. Today is MLK Jr Day, so no work for me. Our county has had a major equipment failure at our water station so it is also no water day for me. No bath. Well it could be worse.
This was a mixed emotion weekend for me. I year ago this past weekend my friend G and I were beginning to work with Sage, (my horse) getting me acquainted with her and how well she and I were going to work together. Funny how when you lose someone you love that you remember the smallest of details about your time with them. He came down on Sunday and we saddled her up. I did not do well. I was still nervous from my fall on the other horse. G was very good and very patient and worked with me for a short time. I did not do well and he did not lose his cool with me. We sat at the barn and visited for a while before he went on to be with his family. The next day, (Monday, today's Monday) he came back and we tried again. I did much better and he was excited for the progress. We had a great time together and he went on the the horse and tack sale. I find it odd how emotions and memories will flood in during the past almost 5 months since he left this world. I remember the smallest details that mean so much. I miss him so very much, but have learned to stand on my own feet and do things for myself that I had him to do for me. I think of him every day. He would be proud of me and the progress I have made. I wish he could be here to see.
Today I travel to visit Socks and see her progress. The rescue organization tells me she has not gained much weight but she is feeling better and is a mare with an attitude. I am excited about this attitude. This means she feels better and is not hungry. I am also so very excited for this little mare because now she knows kindness, warmth and a regular meal. She is not starving. I do not know how much longer she will have in her life. She is older for a horse. But in her last day she will know a much better life. This is so very exciting for me. I am so happy for her.
Oh and all the hay got moved and I repaired some fence this past weekend. My back is sort but all the work was done and it really did not hurt me. I did not say I liked it, but in the end, it was not bad at all. I even found the time to do some work on the barn to help it be warmer for Sage and Ben this week. We are suppose to have very cold temps and I do want them to stay warm. They are my babies and I do try to take care of them.
Everyone have a wonderful day and thanks for reading.

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