Sunday, September 30, 2012

Politics, Religion, and Sex

I have heard the three topics you should never discuss are Politics, Religion, and Sex. Actually, I have heard this said most of my life. I do not mind discussing Politics. This is America and everyone can have an opinion. Politics has been the topic of many heated discussions between me and my Dad. He cannot understand why I do not think like him. When you ask him why he has the opinions he does, he will tell you it is what is Father told him was right. That is the biggest reason why I do not think like my Dad. I love him dearly, but I will not think or do anything just because someone else tells me to. Many say that is being stubborn, but I personally feel it is called being independent. Sex, well there again, everyone has opinions. I will just throw mine right out there. Sex is a personal thing between the 2 consenting adults having it and what they do is between them and everyone else should mind their own business. Now I do understand you can get outside this topic and add affairs, rape, and many other things to it, but when you stick to just Sex as the topic, I have my opinion and that is it. Religion. Now here is a topic that can really get people heated up. Religion in itself is very broad. There are many types, beliefs, and opinions. I will state for the record, I do not think any are right or wrong. Religion is a personal belief that each person has and it is not anyone else place to tell them if they are right or wrong. I am a religious person, but I do not go around forcing my opinions on anyone else. I feel your religious beliefs should between you and how you choose to worship. BUT, (you should have known there would be a BUT, because I chose to write about this), I will tell this story before I get on my soapbox. I had to do some research at the local public library yesterday. Probably the first time I had been in this library in 20 years. They have remodeled. Anyway, a gentleman I did not even know, walked up to me and ask me a question. I happen to be wearing cowboy boots, jeans, and a t-shirt with a horse pictured on it. This must advertise I own horses. Not sure about that. Anyway this gentleman ask me how many horses I owned. I told him only one horse and one donkey right now. He then ask if I had sold others or what happen. (Why would a stranger open themself up for this discussion I have no idea) I told him that I had some bad luck and I had a couple of animals to die. Actually I have had 2 horses and 2 donkeys to pass away. He then made the wrong comment to me. He said, well animals are just animals. People let me tell you, that was the WRONG thing to say. I could have exploded. I replied to him that I personally felt animals were wonderful and I would much rather be around many of them that a lot of the people I know. He replied to me that animals did not have souls so that made them just animals. The level of my voice got higher when I replied to him that I did not think God would create something that he did not love, so animals did have souls and when they died they went to heaven. I also said to him that if he did not think an animal had a soul, he had not looked into the eyes of one. He mumbled something about me being crazy and walked off. I wanted to follow and continue to make my point, but thought better of this since I was in the public library and might get loud and then possible kicked out. I happen to think this person is one crazy idiot. I realize this is my opinion, and because it is my opinion, I think I am right. I am of the opinion, that when an animal passes away, it goes to heaven, and when the rest of us get there, we will see them again. Why would God create something that he was not going to love for eternity. When I look into the eyes of my horse, donkey, or dog I see a soul that says I Love You. They know they are loved in return. The kindness I show them is returned is many ways. My story and I can tell it any way I want, so I know I have dogs, horses, and donkeys waiting on me and they will know me when I get there. That is my view of religion this morning. Everyone have a great day.

Pepper, Kia, Greg, and many many more. I know each of you had a soul and are waiting on me to get there.

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Maybe. Does Maybe mean yes or no? Often my granddaughter will ask a question, either wanting something or wanting to go somewhere, and I will answer "Maybe". Lately she looks at me and says, "does that mean yes or no?" I will answer I do not know, but she follows with it means NO. I do not always mean for it to mean no, but it does seems that no is the meaning a lot lately. I might really mean yes, but other factors come into play and then it becomes no. Maybe seems to be an easy way out. You do not commit, giving yourself a way to decide later. I cannot help but wonder why the word maybe developed in our version of the English language. I can only guess that many years ago there was a parent or grandparent that had the same problems and found that maybe gave them a way out of making a decision at that very moment. Maybe that is what happen or maybe not. We will never know. Everyone have a great Saturday. Raining now, but we certainly do need it. Maybe it will stop later.


Friday, September 28, 2012


I am really glad it is Friday. It has been a long week. I have nothing interesting to talk about today or no exciting stories to tell. Just tired and used up and ready for a couple of days off. If something exciting happens I will be sure to write about it. For now, everyone have a wonderful weekend and be safe.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Saddle Time

I own a beautiful Chestnut Quarter Horse. I own. Actually this wonderful horse was a gift from a very dear friend that I loved dearly. I lost this friend to Cancer a short time ago. I have owned 5 horses in my time on this earth, but the one I have now is very special. Not only was she a gift from someone I thought the world of, she is a very good girl. She is loving, smart, and gentle. Perfect for me. We get along so well. She is with me for the rest of her life or mine, whichever may come first.  Now having said all those wonderful things about my horse, I will tell you this. I do not ride my horse often. It is not that she does not ride well, actually she is perfect. She never gets in a hurry, does not spook easily, and will do whatever she is told to do. No problems with this horse. The problem is with me. I have developed a great friendship with this horse. I talk to her, cry in her mane, and spend great amounts of time with her. It is almost like we have a bond. I like to ride though. Yesterday, I needed stress relief, so off I went to a friend's house and we went riding. Saddle time is great therapy. Relax and enjoy the ride. Be one with your horse. Enjoy the beautiful Fall weather and get lost in your thoughts. I had a great time. Riding was really good and spending time with Marcie is always good. Better stress relief than anything I know. I think everyone should ride,but everyone does not feel that way. Some are afraid of horses. It's OK. Being different is what makes the world go round. As for me, Saddle time is what I need. Puts everything in my world back in order, at least for now. Everyone have a great day and get some saddle time.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

School Lunch Cont.......

School Lunch was terrible. No really terrible. I have decided that we will beging packing a lunch for the little princess in my house. Packing lunch can be a problem in itself, but at least there should be something inside this pink lunch box that she would eat. Right now, I am going with eating anything would be better than purchasing a lunch in the cafeteria that she just throws away. I am sure there will be more on this later. Any ideas on what I can pack that will be easy, inexpensive and something she will eat? By the way, this child only eats junk food. Anything healthy and she will say I do not like that before she even tastes. Help please with ideas. Everyone have a great day.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

School Lunch

I hated Lunch in School. It never tasted good and they never served anything that was worth eating. The lines were long, the other students loud, and overall the experience was a bad one. This does not bring back any good memories. I say that because I am going to school today to eat lunch. It is eat lunch with your child day at the elementary school and I am off to eat with Skylar. She is very excited. She has already ask me 4 times this morning if I will be there. I assured her I would be there. Huge smile from her directed at me, so this is a good thing. Making her little heart happy is always a good thing. Even though she is my granddaughter, I am also the fill in mother. Her real mother is no longer in the picture and has not been for a very long time. (That is for another blog). As mother, I find myself doing many things that I did not think I would be doing at this age. It will keep you young many have said. Maybe so, but unless school lunch has changed over the years a lot, I do not think eating that today will be of any benefit. Well maybe one benefit. The huge smile on this precious little one's face. That will be worth another bad school lunch experience. Have a great day and I hope your lunch is way better than I feel mine will be.

Monday, September 24, 2012


Monday morning. My head hurts just like I had a hangover. How do I know you ask. Well in my day I have had one or two hangovers. Well OK, maybe 3 or 4. But I did not have any alcohol yesterday or last night. I had some bottle water and a glass of diet orange soda. Neither of these have been known to give me a hangover in the past, so I do not see any reason why they would now. I believe this headache must be coming from pollen or some other outside blooming or just growing weed. It is Fall now. I know this because Skylar announced that it was the first day one day last week. I think she must have learned this in school, because the changing seasons never mattered much to her before. (unless one of them has a holiday like birthday or Christmas where she got a gift). The weather is cooler and I have noticed leaves changing, so Fall it must be. Somewhere in this lovely Fall season, there is a weed that is giving me a hangover. I must find this weed and introduce it to Round-up. Be healthy everyone and watch out for the Hangover.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday Afternoon

Well it's Sunday afternoon and I am in front of computer. I could be on my horse, or walking, or taking a nap. No, I am in front on computer working on a project. Trying to get it finished soon. Hope everyone has a great day.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Saturday Morning

It is Saturday morning at 5:30 am and I am awake. I do not have to go to work and normally do not go to the barn until around 8:30 or 9:00 am. So why am I up at this time of the morning on the weekend. My neighbor has a rooster. I live in the suburbs. I have to travel about 3/4 mile to get to my barn. I have lovely brick homes all around me. But this morning at around 5:15 am, the very vocal rooster was letting everyone know he saw one ray of the rising sun. To be honest, I really think he saw the street light blinking off and on, but either way, he started up and is still letting everyone know he saw something. I should get a lot done today, since I am up so early. First on my list, coffee. Second on my list, read the by-laws of my neighborhood. I thought farm animals were not allowed? Maybe this rooster does not consider himself a Farm Animal. Wonder if he has ever heard of chicken soup? Ha Ha Ha Ha. Everyone have a wonderful day.

Friday, September 21, 2012


Thank Goodness It's Friday!!! It could not have come fast enough. Not that I have any major plans for the weekend or anything, I just want to spend time at the barn with my animals. My barn is where I go to regroup and get energy for what life throws at me. I go here to laugh, cry, and enjoy nature. I love my horse and donkey and being with them puts my soul at peace. I don't mind cleaning up after them or cleaning them. I love everything about it. Often times my animals will be in the pasture and I just sit behind my barn and think life out. In recent times I have retreated to this barn to cry out many things that have been thrown at me. Everyone should have a place where they can go to get away and connect with life. My place is my barn. This barn has many wonderful memories and those memories give me strength to continue on. I hope everyone has a place like this.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Why I bitch.

I used to wonder why some women would just go into rants about small things and loose their mind. I know why this happens now. I live with my husband, adult son, and 5 1/2 year old granddaughter. I am convinced that if I were to die or run away tomorrow, this household would fall apart. The smallest details of a daily routine go undone, waiting for me. I ask why did this not get done, or why is this laying on the table instead of in Sky's book bag, all I get are blank stares. When I start fussing I hear, what is the problem and don't fuss. How many times must you ask people to please put homework inside of book bag when it is completed, instead of leaving it on kitchen table, for someone to spill some type of liquid on it. Blank stares. My husband carries his lunch to work daily in a plastic grocery bag. His choice, but the problem is he leaves plastic grocery bags with left over lunch on kitchen table. He does pile them up on one end, but the pile does drift to the center of table. I ask, why are there 6 plastic grocery bags with a piece of fruit or something on kitchen table. Blank stare. I could go on and on and on, but that my friends is where the bitch mode kicks in. Then I am ill and grouchy and the sound of my voice gets louder and louder. I read once in a big thick book, or somewhere, the reason for clutter and mess and undone things is people do not complete the task. To complete things you must go full cycle and return things to there proper place when you are finished. This means to clean up and put things in the trash, or put homework in book bag or unpack your lunch plastic bag and throw it away. This my friends is why on some morning, I bitch. And this also my friends, generally ruins the rest of the day for me, because I carry the ill mood to work and it continues. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and will come back tomorrow. I will try to be in a better mood. :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Good Shoeing

Today was a pretty good day. My Farrier arrived at the barn right on time. He was in a good mood and Sage was in a good mood as well. She was waiting for him and he went straight to work. Sage acted perfectly. I was very proud of her. She did not give him any trouble. I was glad. I am sure he liked having an easy horse first thing in the morning. Now she has a brand new pair of shoes and we can go riding.
Everyone have a great night and let's see what tomorrow holds. I am thinking some saddle time would be good for Sage and myself.

Good Morning

Good Morning. I think I have a busy day, but then how do we know because the day has just started. Up early, suppose to meet the Farrier at the barn to take care of Sage (my mare) feet. Every girl needs new shoes at least every 6 weeks. I just recently got a new Farrier, (well he is my new permanent Farrier. He has been filling in for my regular Farrier for the past 6 months due to illness, but now he is the regular Farrier) If you are not confused stick around, you will be. :) I have know him for a couple of years and he is a great guy and also a good Farrier. Should be a great partnership.
I will be late to work, but work has finally accepted that I will take care of my animals first, then show up for them. Work is cool. I stay late for them when possible so they allow me to be late when needed.
Let me hit the shower and get this day started. Everyone stay tuned. I hope something interesting will happen and I can tell everyone about it. Have a great day.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

OK, I really have a learning curve here. I cannot figure out how to tell if anyone is reading this. I did get a couple messages on Facebook that said they were reading it. Must be another way to tell. Thanks to everyone that is reading and keep telling your friends. I will figure out how to tell if anyone is. So far I am having fun.

The Begining

My name is Renee and if I told you the real reason for this blog, most of you will not read it. :)  It will mostly be the ramblings of a person that has highs and lows, in and outs, and pros and cons in their day to day life. I am married, with an adult son and a 5 1/2 year old granddaughter that live in the house with me. I have a miniature dachshund in the house and a horse and donkey that live in a pasture and barn that I lease from a wonderful lady very close to my home. Let's begin this journey together and I hope I can keep your interest long enough for something interesting to happen for all of us. Please leave comments because if I do not hear from anyone how will I know anyone is reading. Here we go........................