Saturday, September 29, 2012


Maybe. Does Maybe mean yes or no? Often my granddaughter will ask a question, either wanting something or wanting to go somewhere, and I will answer "Maybe". Lately she looks at me and says, "does that mean yes or no?" I will answer I do not know, but she follows with it means NO. I do not always mean for it to mean no, but it does seems that no is the meaning a lot lately. I might really mean yes, but other factors come into play and then it becomes no. Maybe seems to be an easy way out. You do not commit, giving yourself a way to decide later. I cannot help but wonder why the word maybe developed in our version of the English language. I can only guess that many years ago there was a parent or grandparent that had the same problems and found that maybe gave them a way out of making a decision at that very moment. Maybe that is what happen or maybe not. We will never know. Everyone have a great Saturday. Raining now, but we certainly do need it. Maybe it will stop later.


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