Sunday, September 30, 2012

Politics, Religion, and Sex

I have heard the three topics you should never discuss are Politics, Religion, and Sex. Actually, I have heard this said most of my life. I do not mind discussing Politics. This is America and everyone can have an opinion. Politics has been the topic of many heated discussions between me and my Dad. He cannot understand why I do not think like him. When you ask him why he has the opinions he does, he will tell you it is what is Father told him was right. That is the biggest reason why I do not think like my Dad. I love him dearly, but I will not think or do anything just because someone else tells me to. Many say that is being stubborn, but I personally feel it is called being independent. Sex, well there again, everyone has opinions. I will just throw mine right out there. Sex is a personal thing between the 2 consenting adults having it and what they do is between them and everyone else should mind their own business. Now I do understand you can get outside this topic and add affairs, rape, and many other things to it, but when you stick to just Sex as the topic, I have my opinion and that is it. Religion. Now here is a topic that can really get people heated up. Religion in itself is very broad. There are many types, beliefs, and opinions. I will state for the record, I do not think any are right or wrong. Religion is a personal belief that each person has and it is not anyone else place to tell them if they are right or wrong. I am a religious person, but I do not go around forcing my opinions on anyone else. I feel your religious beliefs should between you and how you choose to worship. BUT, (you should have known there would be a BUT, because I chose to write about this), I will tell this story before I get on my soapbox. I had to do some research at the local public library yesterday. Probably the first time I had been in this library in 20 years. They have remodeled. Anyway, a gentleman I did not even know, walked up to me and ask me a question. I happen to be wearing cowboy boots, jeans, and a t-shirt with a horse pictured on it. This must advertise I own horses. Not sure about that. Anyway this gentleman ask me how many horses I owned. I told him only one horse and one donkey right now. He then ask if I had sold others or what happen. (Why would a stranger open themself up for this discussion I have no idea) I told him that I had some bad luck and I had a couple of animals to die. Actually I have had 2 horses and 2 donkeys to pass away. He then made the wrong comment to me. He said, well animals are just animals. People let me tell you, that was the WRONG thing to say. I could have exploded. I replied to him that I personally felt animals were wonderful and I would much rather be around many of them that a lot of the people I know. He replied to me that animals did not have souls so that made them just animals. The level of my voice got higher when I replied to him that I did not think God would create something that he did not love, so animals did have souls and when they died they went to heaven. I also said to him that if he did not think an animal had a soul, he had not looked into the eyes of one. He mumbled something about me being crazy and walked off. I wanted to follow and continue to make my point, but thought better of this since I was in the public library and might get loud and then possible kicked out. I happen to think this person is one crazy idiot. I realize this is my opinion, and because it is my opinion, I think I am right. I am of the opinion, that when an animal passes away, it goes to heaven, and when the rest of us get there, we will see them again. Why would God create something that he was not going to love for eternity. When I look into the eyes of my horse, donkey, or dog I see a soul that says I Love You. They know they are loved in return. The kindness I show them is returned is many ways. My story and I can tell it any way I want, so I know I have dogs, horses, and donkeys waiting on me and they will know me when I get there. That is my view of religion this morning. Everyone have a great day.

Pepper, Kia, Greg, and many many more. I know each of you had a soul and are waiting on me to get there.

1 comment:

  1. Aunt Renee, I just love you to death!!!! Animals very much have a soul. They know love, hate, kindness, etc. My Seirra for sure knows what love and hate is. She was treated very bad before she came to live with us. She knows she is loved more than anything in this house and she returns the love. That Gentleman does not know what it is to be loved by an animal, that is his problem.
