Thursday, September 20, 2012

Why I bitch.

I used to wonder why some women would just go into rants about small things and loose their mind. I know why this happens now. I live with my husband, adult son, and 5 1/2 year old granddaughter. I am convinced that if I were to die or run away tomorrow, this household would fall apart. The smallest details of a daily routine go undone, waiting for me. I ask why did this not get done, or why is this laying on the table instead of in Sky's book bag, all I get are blank stares. When I start fussing I hear, what is the problem and don't fuss. How many times must you ask people to please put homework inside of book bag when it is completed, instead of leaving it on kitchen table, for someone to spill some type of liquid on it. Blank stares. My husband carries his lunch to work daily in a plastic grocery bag. His choice, but the problem is he leaves plastic grocery bags with left over lunch on kitchen table. He does pile them up on one end, but the pile does drift to the center of table. I ask, why are there 6 plastic grocery bags with a piece of fruit or something on kitchen table. Blank stare. I could go on and on and on, but that my friends is where the bitch mode kicks in. Then I am ill and grouchy and the sound of my voice gets louder and louder. I read once in a big thick book, or somewhere, the reason for clutter and mess and undone things is people do not complete the task. To complete things you must go full cycle and return things to there proper place when you are finished. This means to clean up and put things in the trash, or put homework in book bag or unpack your lunch plastic bag and throw it away. This my friends is why on some morning, I bitch. And this also my friends, generally ruins the rest of the day for me, because I carry the ill mood to work and it continues. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and will come back tomorrow. I will try to be in a better mood. :)

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