Thursday, September 27, 2012

Saddle Time

I own a beautiful Chestnut Quarter Horse. I own. Actually this wonderful horse was a gift from a very dear friend that I loved dearly. I lost this friend to Cancer a short time ago. I have owned 5 horses in my time on this earth, but the one I have now is very special. Not only was she a gift from someone I thought the world of, she is a very good girl. She is loving, smart, and gentle. Perfect for me. We get along so well. She is with me for the rest of her life or mine, whichever may come first.  Now having said all those wonderful things about my horse, I will tell you this. I do not ride my horse often. It is not that she does not ride well, actually she is perfect. She never gets in a hurry, does not spook easily, and will do whatever she is told to do. No problems with this horse. The problem is with me. I have developed a great friendship with this horse. I talk to her, cry in her mane, and spend great amounts of time with her. It is almost like we have a bond. I like to ride though. Yesterday, I needed stress relief, so off I went to a friend's house and we went riding. Saddle time is great therapy. Relax and enjoy the ride. Be one with your horse. Enjoy the beautiful Fall weather and get lost in your thoughts. I had a great time. Riding was really good and spending time with Marcie is always good. Better stress relief than anything I know. I think everyone should ride,but everyone does not feel that way. Some are afraid of horses. It's OK. Being different is what makes the world go round. As for me, Saddle time is what I need. Puts everything in my world back in order, at least for now. Everyone have a great day and get some saddle time.

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