Friday, December 28, 2012

3 days till One Year!!!!!!!

On Dec. 31 2011, Miss Sage came to live with me. In previous blogs I have written about my run of bad luck with horses. I was uncertain. I remember telling Gerald I was not sure. He told me it would be fine and this was the one. Honestly I doubted him. Well as always Gerald was right. In 3 more days Sage and I will celebrate our 1 year. It will be with mixed emotion. I am thrilled she is here and love here so much and hope for many many more aniversarys. She is happy. She has food, a place to get in from the heat and cold and she gets so much love. During our first year together we lost Gerald to cancer. It has been rough moving forward without him. But we have moved forward. He wanted us to and we have. We have made decisions without him and they were the right ones. We have found new friends to answers questions that we would have needed him for. We miss him so very bad and think of him all the time but we go on like he would want us to. Sage is just the best horse in the world and the most beautiful. I love her so very much. She loves me back. How do I know? She comes to me and puts her head on my shoulder and wants to be touched and brushed. She gives me love back. You have to be a horse person to know, but I know. Horses are smart and have great memory. She knows where she gets love from and comes to me for this. I ramble. Sorry. In three days we will celebrate our one year. One whole year! It is a really big deal. She will get a special treat and I will look to the heavens and remind Gerald it has been a year and he was right. I will not see it but he will smile because he was right. One year with one horse. Sage and I will celebrate with a ride and a good brushing and some bond time between us. Then we will ring in the new year and hope 2013 will be a much better one and continue on through our 2nd year together. One year.

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