Wednesday, December 12, 2012

UGH!!! Christmas shopping.

Well here we are 2 weeks before Christmas and I have just now finally started my Christmas shopping. I have already told you that I am just not in the Christmas spirit this year and that is really not any better. But I have started Christmas shopping. I purchased a few gifts yesterday. Honestly this year it is just a chore to get out and even try, but I was out most of the day yesterday. I only purchased a few things but I guess a start is a start. Normally I would be finished by the first of December, everything wrapped and enjoying the holidays. Not this year. I can see myself running around on Christmas Eve trying to buy last minute gifts. I am going to try and go out this coming weekend and just finish up. Just buy a gift and move on. It's just a gift and no one likes what you get anyway so buy something and move on. How is that for Christmas spirit. I am sorry I just cannot help it this year. I know it will get better. Won't it?
I can say I am really looking at gift cards. The perfect gift. Buy the damn thing and go on. Get Christmas behind us and move on to 2013, where it has to get better. Right???
Did I mention that I found out I have another dear friend with cancer and it is not good. Sorry, but I just had to throw that one out there. You will be hearing about it lots so you might as well know now.
Everyone have a wonderful day and thanks for reading. I promise I will write something cheerful very soon. Maybe.

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