Sunday, December 23, 2012

Now I understand.

Went to the funeral of a friend from long ago yesterday. The brother of G, the man I refer to often in this blog. The last time I visited with E was in September just a couple of days before G passed away. He was in from OK to see his brother and I had the opportunity to sit and visit with E for almost an hour. The first time we had seen each other in probably 15 years and as it turns out the last time we saw each other. Our visit was good. We talked about old times, told funny stories about his brother G, and just had wonderful conversation about life and our families. It was good. Our conversation drifted to his brother G and how I came to know him and become his friend. I told the story. I also shared with E how much I loved his brother and how wonderful his brother had been to me. He said he is that kind of person and he is a good boy. he actually used the word boy. E was older than G so I guess it just came natural to call him a boy. G stood way taller than his older brother but age comes before height, I suppose. I shared with E my saddness of what was happening to G and that my heart was breaking for G and his family. I also shared with him how much I would miss his brother when the time came for him to go.
E looked at me and said, "He is going to be OK, He will be alright". I told him I knew what the doctors had said and I believed them and did not think G would be OK. E looked me in the eye and said, "You don't understand what I am saying to you. He is at home now surrounded by family and friends that love him. He will get his strength from this. He will be alright. Do you understand what I am telling you?" I said I did, but I really did not understand. We had been told that G had 2 weeks to 2 months and I could see him getting worse. I just thought maybe E was in denial and did not understand. I told him I prayed for him every day and he thanked me and said he appreciated it. He told me how he was going to be OK and how his doctor had given him good news and he could go back to work next year. He then closed that part of the conversation by telling me, "If the doctor is wrong, I will still be OK"
I understand now. E was telling me that his little brother would be OK because he was going to live in heaven, and begin the next story in his life. His faith in God and his little brother was stronger than the sickness that was over taking both of them. He was ready to begin the next story in his life as well.
As I sat during the funeral yesterday I was sad. Both brothers had left this world within 3 months. How sad I feel for their sisters.
I also remembered my conversation with E the last time I saw him. They are OK and begining the next story of their lives.
I will miss them both. One of them was one of the best friends I have ever had and my heart still breaks and the other was the one that started my heart to healing by his faith and being honest with me. It took me a while to remember that conversation, but I remember now. R.I.P. and thanks to both of you. I will remember you always.
During the funeral yesterday as people spoke of the wonderful kind man I remembered our last visit. I remembered his faith that his younger brother would be OK. There was no doubt in his heart and mind about this.

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