Monday, October 1, 2012


To begin, let me tell a John Lennon story. This is his story and he gets all the credit for it. John once wrote that when he was a lad (little boy) in England that his mother always told him the greatest thing in life was to be happy. Once in school the teacher told them to write down what they wanted to be when they grew up. John wrote down he wanted to be happy. The teacher later told him he did not understand the assignment. He replied by telling the teacher she did not understand Life.
We all strive to be happy. I think many of us want happiness but we depend on others to provide it for us. I would be so happy if I could be with this person, or I would be so happy if I had this much money, or even happy if I owned these things. Really??? Happiness begins from within. Sure, there will be sadness, but happy is something you have to decide you want to be. I have a friend that always tells me "There is joy in every journey". Joy in every journey??? That is something to think about. I have thought about it, quite often. When I first heard her say this, I really did not get on board with what she said. But like I said, I have thought about it often and lots in the last few weeks. Joy in every journey. In my life I am not an alarmest. I get information and hear things and just deal with it. I might get upset for a short time, but generally life goes on and I go on with it. I hate when bad things happen to people I love and espically hate it when I cannot help them or fix what is wrong. But this same friend also says It is what is is and we do what we have to do. This one I was on board with right from the begining. Having rambled on let's get back to Happy and Joy in every journey. I think Happy is a state of mind. You can decide to feel sorry for yourself or be Happy. As humans we want more and something better. If we look around we should realize that most of us have more or something better than when we began our journey in this life. So whay are we not happy. I am happy I have a dry place to be this morning. (It is raining outside). I am happy I have a job to support this horse lifestyle I have grown to love. I am happy I have  wonderful  family and friends. Do I need to go on naming the things I am happy for. I have decided being happy is good. Joy in every Journey?? I have to search for it, but my friend could have something there. Finding Joy in a key in being happy. Look for it. She might be right. I must say I am beginging to get on board with this saying too. Look for the Joy in each journey. Happiness is there, but you must decide you want it. Feeling sorry for yourself and wanting material things will not make you happy.  Happy is a state of mind. Make the decision to be happy and look around you. You might find that Happy is all around you. Seize it and go forward deciding to be happy. I think John Lennon did understand Life more than even he knew.

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