Thursday, November 29, 2012

Making my Dad happy.

Well, I am Daddy's girl. I have always been Daddy's girl and I really do not plan on changing that anytime soon. I have wanted a new pair of boots for some time now. My others have gotten so large on my feet, due to weight loss, that I have to wear 3 pair of socks and they still rub blisters on my feet. This year at Thanksgiving my Dad tried to give me the money for a new pair. I declined his offer. Not because he did not have the money, I have just never really liked having him buy me things for no reason. ( Like Birthdays or Christmas or things like that) He made the offer again a couple of days ago when I went with him to the doctor. Once again I declined his offer. I talked with my husband about this and my husband told me that I should let my father buy me these boots. He said it is OK to be gracious in receiving as well as giving and he thought my Dad really wanted to do this. After some serious thought I called my Dad today and told him that if he wanted to purchase these boots for me I would accept his offer. He said he was very glad because he really wanted to purchase them for me. He actually seemed excited that I was going to let him buy this gift for me.
I think I made my Daddy happy. As a little girl, seeing Daddy smile and laugh was a great joy. As I have grown into an adult I love my Dad so very much but taking care of him and my mother was what I focused on. Taking money from them just did not seem like the right thing to do. Today I made my Daddy happy. Only because I let him buy me something that he knew I wanted. Easy to do. I do not know why it has been so hard for me to do this in the past.  I am glad he is happy and I will love the new boots.
It has been a good day.
Thanks for reading and everyone be nice to each other.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

This is Little Ben, our donkey. He has been invited to 3 different manger scenes this Christmas season. They do not just want him to visit, they want him to be part of the scene. He has declined all 3 offers, but said "Thank-You" to each of them. He does not travel well. He does not lead and will push a little, but not all that well. He will not load on a trailer at all. When he arrived here from Virginia last year, as a Christmas gift for my husband, getting him into the pasture was a major deal. It took Gerald and myself 20 minutes just to get him out of trailer and across the country road and into the pasture. Gerald was doing about 90% of the work and barking out directions at me on how to do the other 10%. At the time it was not funny, but looking back, it does seem funny now. Anyway, I ramble, Ben does not travel from our pasture. He appreciates the invitations, but just does not want to be part a Christmas pageant. I am not even sure what religion he is. He is a great donkey though. Gotta love him.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


About 30 minutes from out home is a Farm Park attraction that has a small old fashioned town with a steam train that travels around the little Farm Park. About a 30 minute ride. We took Sky last night. The train was covered in Christmas Lights and the whole little Farm Park had lights and Christmas Carols and Hay rides and Train rides. It was chilly out, about 35 degrees, so lots of hot chocolate was served, along with Gingerbread men. It was a fun time and Sky had a blast. Not too crowded, so very short lines, which is always better with a child. The jolly old elf himself comes down from the North Pole each Saturday night for this event. He said his reindeer were in the forest behind the Farm Park where they could graze while he greeted the children. The Farm Park sets up a special little log cabin for Santa so he will stay warm and the children can have their picture made with him without coats. Mrs. Claus came with him this year and she was wonderful. The Farm Park sets up a really beautiful Christmas Tree for Santa. It was a fun night. We rode the train, had gingerbread, looked at the beautiful lights and listened to carols. Oh and there was a small petting zoo with a donkey and goats and sheep. That was one of my favorite parts. Santa was really wonderful. Really!!!!  Along the train ride were elves, Christmas lights, and one part where the train stopped and you can here the Christmas Story. Fun for not too much money. Sky had a blast and I must admit, I had fun too. Dress for cold weather because most of the fun is outside, but so worth it. Christmas is about children and this one was so much fun and Sky had a great time. Merry Christmas.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Some people never learn

Black Friday is here. People are out shopping, trying to get the best deals. I am getting ready to go to work. I am not much of a Black Friday shopper. I will not fight someone over $1.50 towels. Good luck to those who brave the sales and I wish for you a safe shopping experience.
Over this Holiday I have discovered something. Some people never learn. They continue with the same stupid behavior every time they are presented with the opportunity and it always ends with the same bad results each and every time. Because of the pending court battles I cannot name names, but if you play by the rules things always work out better. But no, when you think the rules apply to everyone but yourself, then things go terrible wrong and something bad happens, how in the world can you stand around and question why this happens. Child custody battles are the worst. The child always looses and the parents usually end up with bitter feelings, less money, richer lawyers, and short tempers. Just follow the rules. Take what you are given and enjoy it. If you do not abuse it you might get more next time. when you try to change the rules because you think they do not apply to you and cause problems then how can you even ask why things are the way they are. You are told you may visit for 3 or 4 hours, you show up 2 hours late for pick-up, then you call and announce you are keeping them for the entire weekend when it is not your weekend. Well guess what, problems. Then you broke the rules and you stand around and point a finger like it is everyone else fault.
I know I am talking in circles and I am sure everyone knows I have a reason for this blog. I will get off my soapbox for now, but I promise you, this has not ended and there will be more to write about. Unfortunately, in this situation, there is always more to write about. Some people do the same stupid things each and every time and then cry because it backfires on them. Grow up, take responsibility, follow the rules, they apply to everyone and although it is really hard for you to understand, the world really does not revolve around you. Grow up or go away. Seriously.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving. Remember to tell the ones you love today that you do love them. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

LOVE of a Horse

This says LOVE to me in ways so many will never understand.  If you read my blog you already know this is Sage, my horse. You also know Sage was a gift from a friend who I loved dearly and left this world in September, as a result of stomach cancer. I love this horse. Words cannot describe the love I feel for her. She loves me back. Yesterday Sage had colic. If you know horses, colic is bad. I lost a horse to this once. I wrote recently in this blog about how Sage and I had a 1 year aniversary coming up. Well friends, I did not think we would see this aniversary. She want down to roll and I made her get up. We walked for hours. Walking is what you do with a horse. Rolling is very bad. Finally I begin to see signs that Sage was coming out of it. I was so very grateful. She is much better today and I am hoping all will be well. I love this picture of Sage. Horses tell so much with their eyes. They are big and soulful. Sage has beautiful brown eyes. With these beautiful eyes she can tell me she loves me or that something is wrong. In the picture above I see love and trust. That is enough.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thankful for family and friends that have left this world.

Thanksgiving is next week. A time to be thankful for all the wonderful things we have in our lives. I would like to take a minute to be thankful for the family and friends that have made my life wonderful, but have gone on to their next life without me.
First, my grandmother. I called her Nanny. She was a wonderful lady with the most loving heart. I was her first grandchild. As a child, she often kept me so my parents could work. She loved and spoiled me so much.  I would stay with her often times on weekends and she would always make me pancakes for breakfast. Her pancakes were like cake, thick and fluffy. To this day that is the only way I will eat pancakes. The thin rubbery ones are just not in the same league. Her life was the example that we all could learn from. She had kind words for everyone and was so very sweet. Her eyes would light up when I entered a room. I remember that and miss it all the time now. Someone that was always glad to see you and showed it every time they saw you. One of the funniest stories I remember about her was on one of her birthdays. I believe she was going to be 85 years of age. We contacted the office of President of the United States and requested a birthday card be mailed to her. Really thought she would get such a thrill out of getting a birthday card from the President. Well the card came right on her birthday. I ask her did she get anything special for her birthday. She said well I got a card from the President. I said Wow what a big deal Nanny. A birthday card from the President of the United States. She said, and I quote,  "Well it would be so much better if her were a democrat instead of a stupid republican".  I have never forgotten that.
Her last months were spent in a nursing home. I visited very often. The last Christmas I was in her room putting her up a little Christmas Tree. She was sitting in her chair, watching me and sleeping part of the time. When I was finished, (now know I had been there at least 2 hours) she woke up and said, well Renee, when did you get here. I had to laugh. She lived to be 93 years of age and I know heaven became a brighter place when she arrived. I think of her so often.
Another wonderful lady that has gone on will be Aunt Evelyn. This was my Mom's sister and a lady that truly loved life. She always had something to laugh about and always made everyone feel better by using that laughter. She lived not too very far away from us when I was a child, but later she and her family moved about an hour away from us. We visited maybe once a month. Her home was always busy with kids, (her own and her children's friends). Everyone loved her. This lady taught me how to tie a shoe and to this day I still tie my shows backwards because Aunt Evelyn was left handed. Every time I tie a shoe I think of her.
I will forever remember Rachel (Sissy). This wonderful lady came into my life by way of my first husband. This was his aunt, but she became my aunt. Even after the marriage fell apart this special lady still called me a member of the family and treated me as such. She had kind words for everyone and her home and arms were always open. Divorce usually brings out the worst in families, but this lady did not allow that to happen in her home. When I would see her she always had a terrific smile and a huge hug for me. She gave me some advice that I have found to be more true than most advice you get. After my first marriage fell apart I began dating the man that would be my second husband. She saw us out shopping in a local town and we were holding hands and really into each other. She said to me, "Sweetheart, I hope the two of you can have intelligent conversation, because this lovey dovey stuff will wear out and you will need to be able to talk with each other". How very wise she was, this wonderful special lady.
One of Rachel son's was also very special to me. I did not spend a lot of time around Robert, but I did see him from time to time and he was always friendly and had a hug for me. Later in his life he moved back to the small town where his mother lived. I saw him more frequently. Every time he had a huge smile and hug for me with the words, "Hello Renee, how are you? I love you." Now folks, I could see him twice in one week or go 6 months and then see him, but I had the same greeting each time. This greeting came from his heart. He had the greatest smile. When he smiled at me I felt like he was really glad to see me. A genuine smile, not one that we often put on when we run into people we do not see often. Robert developed colon cancer and his time was short. He did not want visitors at the last, but I was able to send a note telling him how much he meant to me. I know he got it and read it. His nephew made a point to tell me he read it and smiled.
Last but in no way least is the man who made such a great impact on my life in the few short years we knew each other. Gerald. I really only knew Gerald really well about 6 years. In 6 years we shared the death of 2 of my horses, the betrayal of a friend that claimed to be both our friends but turned on both of us at the same time in a big way, the purchasing of new horses, and a friendship that will go with me forever. I have already dedicated an entire blog to this man and friends I could write many more. Most likely will write about him many more times. He told me once he tried to treat everyone like he hoped they would treat him back. It did not always work out the way he hoped, but he still tried to do that. The way he treated me changed the way I try to treat other people in my life. Once after once of my horses died he came and picked up my second horse and took this horse home with him to work with her and train her. I told him I could not afford this at that time because of the huge vet bills trying to save my other horse. He told me he was doing this for me for free. I began to cry and he said don't cry, that is what real friends do for each other. A real friend. We were very real friends right up until cancer took him from this world and a better friend I could not have ask for.
I am thankful for all of these people and many more. I just wanted to mentioned how thankful I am for the ones that have gone on to the next life and left me behind. I look forward to seeing each and everyone of them one day. It will be a good day.

Friday, November 16, 2012

I am running away from home

Saw this on FaceBook this week,  "As adults we think about running away from home way more often than we ever did as a child"
Giving the credit to FaceBook, now I can say, I am running away from home. I realized this only this morning when I am standing, staring into the refrigerator, where there is no juice, while a 5 1/2 year old is crying behind me because she needs to take medicine and there is no juice, and a 50 year old male, is behind her fussing because something did not get done, that apparently he thought I was responsible for and a small miniature dachshund is walking on my feet because she is old and confused, and my cell phone is making a sound telling me someone else wants something at 6 in the morning. (Please do not write me and tell me this sentence is way too long because I already know this. When you are running away I do not think the length of your sentences really is a factor)
Stress. That could be the word. It has been a stressful week. Work has had many problems, (the wonders of computers) the husband half of my home has had PMS all week. (and I know he would say the same about me, but this is my story and I can tell it any way I want) the 5 year old has not been very well and needs to go back to the doctor, (translation, she has whined all week), the aged mini dachshund has really been confused all week (she will not sleep at night but sleeps all day). My parents are at it again, (too many things to tell on that one)and someone wants the Christmas Tree up and does not understand I need help getting decorations out of my attic.
OK I admit it, I am whining. I want to run away. Not to be gone forever, but just for a short time so I can just have a little stress free time. It should only take about 5 years for me to calm down and feel better.
So, I am running away from home. I really doubt they will look for me. Oh yes they will. The toilet paper will run out in the bathroom and they cannot find the extra rolls in the bathroom closet without me.
Everyone have a great day.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Christmas, Bah, Humbug

Christmas has always been my favorite Holiday. I love the decorations, carols, cards, and all around good cheer that seems to go with the holiday. It is a fun time. I love the decorating, and then having friends over to enjoy good times.
I am just not into it this year. I do not know what is wrong with me. Sky has been begging to put up the Christmas tree. My neighbors have already decorated outside, so I am guessing they have decorated inside as well. Stores are in full Holiday mood. But yours truely is just not into it. I was thinking about crawling under a rock until the holiday is over and then coming out, but not really a good idea. Goes back to the I do not like cold blog.
I have done very little shopping and really do not want to do any of it. Everyone on my list this year I already know is going to be disappointed. Normally I have all my cards addressed and ready to mail right after Thanksgiving. They are still in the package and I am thinking they might stay there. Might ask my dear friend to come and write them for me. She can put something extra special in hers.
I usually get pictures ready to send to family and friends of the family and all the animals. Normally the animals have to wear something that makes them look like they are in the holiday spirit, even though most times the animals really do not want to wear this. Not happening this year. The animals are having a great holiday!
I wish I knew what was wrong. Really not like me. I was kinda hoping the calendars would skip Christmas this year, but I looked and there it is, on the same day as last year.
Anyone got any ideas on what I need to do to snap out of it. I guess Christmas is going to come anyway, so I should try and enjoy it. I really believe I will start looking for a large rock. I think I saw one at the edge of horse pasture, so I will go and check it out. Will someone please come and decorate my house for me. UGH. Christmas, Bah, Humbug!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I am cold

I am cold. I was cold at work all day yesterday, came home and the house was cold, the bed was cold all night, the house is still cold, and I really bet it is still cold at work. Well I would tell you I have whined out about it, but actually, that is not even close to being true.
I do not like cold. I would much rather it be warm or hot. You can always take off some clothes to cool off, but it is like there is never enough to keep you warm. I don't care for snow. Sure I love a warm fire and hot chocolate, but would just rather skip the snow and cold weather to have them.
As a child, snow was exciting. A different kind of play and fun. We do not get much of it where I live, so when it comes, everyone gets excited. People take off to the grocery store. They have to have milk and bread just as soon as the first flake falls.
I just do not like being cold. Moving to a warmer area has always been in my mind somewhere. I think about it mostly during December, January, and February. After that it begins to leave my mind and generally does not come back until the following year. This year the thought arrived in November. I am worried. If I am cold in November, my concerned is that the following months will be even colder. A hard winter with cold rain, ice and snow. UGH. I like last winter really well. Very mild temps and green pasture grass all year. Unfortunately, the bugs like it also. They thrived in it and really came out in huge numbers this past summer. I am sure they are cold now too. That could be a good thing.
Well I have made my point. I do not like being cold. I have this really bad feeling that cold is what I will be for a few months. Can thermal underwear be sexy. Looks like I am about to break it out.
Everyone have a wonderful day  and thanks for reading. Stay warm.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Making the heart and mind want the same things

Good Morning. Took the horse out again yesterday. Not the most successful ride, but since no one came out of the saddle and got hurt, all in all in was a good day. Maybe. I say that because I am wondering if I really want to do this. My heart says I do, but other parts of me are just not sure anymore. I think my brain is still asking "What are you doing" I love my horse very much and my horse loves me back. This I am certain of. My horse does not want to go riding and this is causing confusion. In my heart I want to saddle up, ride off in the sunset, and enjoy the wonderful outdoors. In my mind I continue to be torn. How do I get my heart and mind on the same path. I know it can be done because I have gotten both of them to want the same things many times in my life. I am not one for defeat. Usually if I want something reasonable, I go after it and get it. I have been know to go after it and get it even if what I wanted was unreasonable. I do not understand the problem now. Age, maybe, but I really do not think so. Determination has never been something I have been lacking in. Some call it stubborn, but I like to think it is just my way of going after and getting what I want. The confusion is my heart want to be a cowboy and my mind keeps saying, what are you doing? I have had some minor injuries from previous horses, but nothing really bad. Broken ribs and a hurt shoulder that still reminds me on rainy days that it does not like horses. Both of these bad experiences came back to back with different horses; and neither was with the horse I own now. Sage has never really done anything to hurt me that she meant to do. Horses are large animals and accidents happen often times just because either you or the horse moved at the wrong time.
I have always been one to follow my heart, and there have been times when my heart flat out lied to me and led me astray. But mostly I still follow my heart. Usually my mind just gets in line and goes along. This time my mind is fighting my heart all the way. The confusion this creates is causing communication problems with the horse. Horses can sense when you are scared, confused, or unsure. This causes them to react the same way you are feeling. Then accidents happen. I need to get my mind to go along this time. Maybe I need to be hypnotized or something. My mind must shape up. I have been known to do stupid things and make folds think I have lost my mind, but time to shape up here. Get in line mind and follow my heart. I must stop the confusion and saddle up and ride off into the sunset.
Have a great day and thanks for reading.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Happy Happy Joy Joy (I did it)

This is a picture of me sitting on Sage taken yesterday. This picture was not taken 6 months ago or 1 year ago, but yesterday. My new traineer came and we had a really great time and we are going to ride again today. So yes, this IS a picture of me sitting on my horse that was taken yesterday and I love it. I have put the big girl panties back on and getting back in the saddle. No more feeling sorry for myself and have so much self-pity about something I cannot change. Moving on. Happy Happy Joy Joy. Side thought: Memories are a very wonderful thing and something no one can take from you. Moving on is wonderful too! Let's ride.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Veteran's Day

Veteran's Day is here. My son served in the Air National Guard shortly after 9-11. I remember how sad I was as I watched his plane leave the base. A day I have never forgotten. I can relive it in my memory just as it was happening today. I can also relive the day he returned. He was in the Middle East for a few months and a war was going on. People were trying to hurt my child. It was a bad time for me. I tell that simple stroy to lead up to this. So many mothers, wives, brothers and sisters, parents, children and husbands have lived through what I lived through. It is not easy. So many of them do not have the wonderful memory of the return of their loved one. Everyone must make a sacrifice that is involved with the military. Many have made the biggest sacrifice of all and gave their lives defending the freedom we as American's enjoy. A freedom we all take for granted.
I saw something on Facebook just this week. It said: People who are wearing helments defending our country should make more money that people wearing helments defending a football.
We need to be more grateful to our men and women of our military groups. They make great sacrifices every day so we can live like we do. Take the time this weekend to say "Thank-You to a veteran and let them know that we do appreciate everything they do and all the sacrifices they make for us.
Everyone had a good long weekend and be kind to someone. Just smile at them. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

It Has Almost Been a Year!!!!

If you read my blog you already know this is Sage and myself. This picture was taken just a couple of days ago. Amazing as it may seem, the 1 year aniversary of the day Sage came to live at my home is fast approaching. It will be a very big day. This day looms very large in my life. My luck with horses has not been the very best. Actually it has been really bad. I wrote about my first horse, Pepper and how with this horse I came to meet one of the best friends I have ever had, Gerald. I wrote about how after a very short time I had to put this horse down due to colic. I told of how Gerald found me another horse. This horse I also had to put down after a very short time. I could not believe my luck. Even Gerald said to me, "Honey you are just having rotten luck. I can't believe it."  Well my luck continued to go from bad to worse, with 2 more horses. They survived, but my luck was bad. The first one launched me like a torpedo one afternoon and I had a trip to the emergency. She had to go. She was replaced with a beautiful Quarter Horse Gelding that I loved. He was a little nervous in his new home and one afternoon shot out from under me in a panic and I came off, breaking 2 ribs. I was so discouraged. Really people, you could not imagine how down I was. Well, in December, here comes Gerald pulling up to my barn with what he said he thought would be a good horse for me. Quarter Horse Mare was what he said. There is a story behind this that I will save for a later blog, but he unloaded this beautiful chestnut mare and told me her name was Sage. I still had broken ribs, but nothing would do I had to get on her that day. Friends, I was scared to death. I was. Gerald led me around on this horse and then he rode her around for me, showing me how great she was. He left her with me and said to let my ribs heal and he would be back in a couple of weeks and we would ride again. I remember looking at this horse and saying to her, "Honey if I keep you, you will be dead in less than 6 months." Sage and I spent a few months getting to know each other. I rode her some and brushed her and loved on her. Finally I decided she was the one and we would be friends. Two weeks before the 6 month aniversary I almost held my breath constantly. 6 months came and went and one week later I called Gerald and told him I had made it past 6 months. By this time Gerald was sick, (as I have also wrote about in a previous blog). He did not feel very well that day, but he did say to me, "I told you your luck would change." As Gerald illness gradually got worse I begin to worry that I might lose him. My love for Sage grew more and more with each day. We rode some, but not as much as we should, but it was still good. Early in the Fall the news came that Gerald would not survive his illness and would leave this world very soon. I went to the barn and Sage was in the barn waiting. I cried into her mane for the longest time. The horse he had told me would be the one was waiting on me to comfort me when I was loosing the one person who had supported me and taught me and guided me through all of my horse trials. He was right and she was the one. He was always right when it came to horses. I lost Gerald, but this wonderful horse is still with me. Our 1 year aniversary is fast approaching. One year. If my luck holds for just a few more weeks, I will have owned a horse for an entire year. Such a small statement, but one that means so very much to me. The countdown is on Gerald. I am once again holding my breath while I wait for this date. I feel in my heart Sage and I will make this aniversary date and there will be more to come afterwards. She is the one. Thanks for all you did for me getting me to this day and thanks for the horse that will celebrate this date with me. But I promise my eyes will look to heaven on that day and say a Thank You to you for all of it. One Year. My life had changed so much in this one year. Good and Bad, Happiness and Sadness, Joy and Sorrow. One Year. Holding my breath and waiting. We are going to be OK.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Making new friends

I have been given a wonderful opportunity the last few weeks. I have made some new friends. Making new friends is an exciting time for me. I do not trust easily so I approach everything with great caution. But a couple of things have happen in the last few weeks that make me hopeful that I have a few new friends. I really do have trust issues. I have a funny story about my very best friend in the whole entire world. I love her so very much and she is means more to me than she will ever know. When I first met her I really did not trust her and could almost say I was not sure I even liked her. She came to my parents house as my brother's date. She was slightly older than him, and he was only 18 at the time. I am normally not one to make age an issue, but there was something that I just did not approve of. Not even sure it was the age, but something. I expressed my concern to my mother who just thought she was wonderful and so things progressed forward. Well after a few months my brother announced they were going to be married. I still did not think this was a good idea. I had found her to be a nice enough person and kind and all the things that were good, but did not have a good feeling about the marriage. Just one of those things you cannot explain. Well anyway they married and she and I got to know each other. The more time I spent around her the more I liked her. We really began to hit it off. Honestly I do not remember how many years, but maybe 4 or 5, the marriage begin to crumble. As things like this happen, I tried very hard to remain neutral. Really hard when one of the parties is your brother. They divorced but I remained very good friends with her. The friendship continued to grow and folks still grows to this day, many years later. She is the most wonderful friend anyone could ever ask for. We have great times together and love each other very much. We have both changed and evolved in our lives but always been there for each other. She has remarried and gone on with her life and I stood up for her at this wedding. We are just always there for each other through good and bad. She has the best shoulder to cry on that I have ever used and hope will always be there. I do my very best to give her one as well. We just plain old enjoy each other and laugh and have a great time. And it never gets old. I love her.
I tell this story to say this. If you do not give people a chance you might miss out on a wonderful friendship. I am so grateful I did not close my heart and mind to her when I first met her like I was tempted to do. Look at what I would have missed out on. Something wonderful that has brought so many great things into my life.
I have made some new friends in the last few weeks and I really hope they grow into better friendships.
It is an exciting time.
Smile at someone today and you might make a new friend.
Everyone have a really wonderful day and thanks for reading.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Today is election. Please go out and vote. We live in a country where we have the freedom to elect our goverment officials, so please go out today and do this. How many times have we all heard, if you do not vote, then do not complain about how things are done. I know we all have heard it and many have even said it, but it is somewhat true.
Be an American today and travel to the Polls and vote for the person (s) of your choice.
Everyone have a wonderful day and thanks for reading.

Monday, November 5, 2012


I will never understand people. Honestly. The more you find out the more you really want to say, What were you thinking?  I know the answer. They were thinking they would never get found out and would not have to explain their actions. Whatever happen to ethics and old fashiond loyalty to a loved one or friend. I will not go into detail about what I have found out, but sadly I have found out something really disturbing about a friend and it really bothers me. I guess I am old fashioned but I really believe when you call yourself someone's friend you owe them a certain about of loyalty and behavior. No cheating or lying or doing things that would damage the friendship. Why bother to be a friend if you are not going to behave in such a way that you would be ashamed if anyone found out. I also believe you must consider others feelings and life when you make some decisions. It is OK to think of yourself but to be totally self-centered is way beyond acceptable.
I will not get on my soapbox today but I just want to say this: Friendship is a very wonderful thing. To have someone who is truely a friend is a great gift. Why would you every do anything do damage this? I will never understand.
Everyone have a great Monday and tell your friend that you value them and mean it and act like it.
Thanks for reading.

Friday, November 2, 2012

November the month of Thanks

A friend of mine that also writes a blog uses all the days of November to write about things she is thankful for. Great idea. I have many things to be thankful for, but will not copy her and write about them each day. I did see something once that said, What would you do if you woke up this morning with only the things you thanked God for yesterday. Interesting statement. Watched a movie many years ago, and really do not remember the name, but the theme was, Would you give up everything you ever had for everything you ever wanted. I do remember in the movie the guy thought this was great until it happen and he realized his life had not been that bad after all. All the things he thought he wanted meant he had to give up all the wonderful things he had. It really changed his life.
Many years ago there was an accident that almost took my father's life. This accident happen in early October, but my Dad survived and was at the table for Thanksgiving. My grandmother was alive then and my Dad's sister was also there for Thanksgiving dinner. She said let's all go around the table and say what we are thankful for today. Honestly I do not remember what everyone was thankful for on that Thanksgiving day, but we were all thankful for my Dad to be there with us. There have been many changes in my life since that Thanksgiving day so many years ago. Many. I will not write about all of them, but trust me on this one, there are so many it would take me a very long time to tell you about each of them.
As we grow older we become more and more thankful for small things we took for granted in our young life. As loved ones pass and go on to their next life, we appreciate the time we have with the ones we still have. We are thankful for true and honest friends. We are thankful for lessons learned about life and love and honesty.
During great saddness I have learned to be thankful for the time I had with someone and try not to dwell on the fact that they are gone. I have learned that replacing the hurt in your heart for that person with fond memories is a great thing.
As my parents grow older and their health gets worse I am thankful for the memories of my childhood and healthier times for them.
I am thankful for new found friends and have learned not to take them for granted. Really thankful for old friends and espically the one I love so dearly that is like a sister to me. She has often been the rock I leaned on when I thought I was going to just fall over from despair.
November is here and it is the month of giving thanks. Take a moment and look around you. Be thankful for what you have. Someone is out there wishing they had just half of what you have.
Open your heart to new friends that are sincere and open your mind to new thoughts that will make you happy. Be kind to someone. Be thankful.
Thank you to everyone who reads the ramblings I write and I hope each of you have a great weekend. Smile at someone and mean it this weekend.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Morning After

Halloween was a huge success this year. We are judging success on the amount of candy that was brought home. From Trick or Treating at school, my work, and then the trip into the night, I think I have 5 lbs of candy in my house. Now, this year we got lots of the good stuff. Great for Sky, but bad for me. This means I have to turn on extra will power to stay out of it. Hopefully, the ones I really love will be gone soon and it will not be too hard to stay out of the other.
Trick or Treating this year was unique. We encountered a very scarey clown. Sky does not like clowns anyway, but this one really scared her. We saw the Cat in the Hat, but Thing 1 and Thing 2 were not there. I really think I saw about 25 Spidermen. A wearwolf with orange hair was out on the prowl. We saw a policeman. I think he might have been a real policeman, but was not sure. The gun looked real. A few houses had tunnels set up where Sky had to walk down to get candy. She walked right on in before I could check out the situation. Oh, we also saw a Giant Queen Bee. She was very friendly. I even saw a box walking down the opposite side of the street. It had hands, so I felt comfortable with a walking box. Even Dorothy and ToTo was out and about. We also saw 5 or 6 little mermaids and maybe 100 SpongeBob. Pretty eventful night.
Now the count down to Thanksgiving. Mixed feelings this year, but more on that one later. Everyone have a great day and thanks for reading.