Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thankful for family and friends that have left this world.

Thanksgiving is next week. A time to be thankful for all the wonderful things we have in our lives. I would like to take a minute to be thankful for the family and friends that have made my life wonderful, but have gone on to their next life without me.
First, my grandmother. I called her Nanny. She was a wonderful lady with the most loving heart. I was her first grandchild. As a child, she often kept me so my parents could work. She loved and spoiled me so much.  I would stay with her often times on weekends and she would always make me pancakes for breakfast. Her pancakes were like cake, thick and fluffy. To this day that is the only way I will eat pancakes. The thin rubbery ones are just not in the same league. Her life was the example that we all could learn from. She had kind words for everyone and was so very sweet. Her eyes would light up when I entered a room. I remember that and miss it all the time now. Someone that was always glad to see you and showed it every time they saw you. One of the funniest stories I remember about her was on one of her birthdays. I believe she was going to be 85 years of age. We contacted the office of President of the United States and requested a birthday card be mailed to her. Really thought she would get such a thrill out of getting a birthday card from the President. Well the card came right on her birthday. I ask her did she get anything special for her birthday. She said well I got a card from the President. I said Wow what a big deal Nanny. A birthday card from the President of the United States. She said, and I quote,  "Well it would be so much better if her were a democrat instead of a stupid republican".  I have never forgotten that.
Her last months were spent in a nursing home. I visited very often. The last Christmas I was in her room putting her up a little Christmas Tree. She was sitting in her chair, watching me and sleeping part of the time. When I was finished, (now know I had been there at least 2 hours) she woke up and said, well Renee, when did you get here. I had to laugh. She lived to be 93 years of age and I know heaven became a brighter place when she arrived. I think of her so often.
Another wonderful lady that has gone on will be Aunt Evelyn. This was my Mom's sister and a lady that truly loved life. She always had something to laugh about and always made everyone feel better by using that laughter. She lived not too very far away from us when I was a child, but later she and her family moved about an hour away from us. We visited maybe once a month. Her home was always busy with kids, (her own and her children's friends). Everyone loved her. This lady taught me how to tie a shoe and to this day I still tie my shows backwards because Aunt Evelyn was left handed. Every time I tie a shoe I think of her.
I will forever remember Rachel (Sissy). This wonderful lady came into my life by way of my first husband. This was his aunt, but she became my aunt. Even after the marriage fell apart this special lady still called me a member of the family and treated me as such. She had kind words for everyone and her home and arms were always open. Divorce usually brings out the worst in families, but this lady did not allow that to happen in her home. When I would see her she always had a terrific smile and a huge hug for me. She gave me some advice that I have found to be more true than most advice you get. After my first marriage fell apart I began dating the man that would be my second husband. She saw us out shopping in a local town and we were holding hands and really into each other. She said to me, "Sweetheart, I hope the two of you can have intelligent conversation, because this lovey dovey stuff will wear out and you will need to be able to talk with each other". How very wise she was, this wonderful special lady.
One of Rachel son's was also very special to me. I did not spend a lot of time around Robert, but I did see him from time to time and he was always friendly and had a hug for me. Later in his life he moved back to the small town where his mother lived. I saw him more frequently. Every time he had a huge smile and hug for me with the words, "Hello Renee, how are you? I love you." Now folks, I could see him twice in one week or go 6 months and then see him, but I had the same greeting each time. This greeting came from his heart. He had the greatest smile. When he smiled at me I felt like he was really glad to see me. A genuine smile, not one that we often put on when we run into people we do not see often. Robert developed colon cancer and his time was short. He did not want visitors at the last, but I was able to send a note telling him how much he meant to me. I know he got it and read it. His nephew made a point to tell me he read it and smiled.
Last but in no way least is the man who made such a great impact on my life in the few short years we knew each other. Gerald. I really only knew Gerald really well about 6 years. In 6 years we shared the death of 2 of my horses, the betrayal of a friend that claimed to be both our friends but turned on both of us at the same time in a big way, the purchasing of new horses, and a friendship that will go with me forever. I have already dedicated an entire blog to this man and friends I could write many more. Most likely will write about him many more times. He told me once he tried to treat everyone like he hoped they would treat him back. It did not always work out the way he hoped, but he still tried to do that. The way he treated me changed the way I try to treat other people in my life. Once after once of my horses died he came and picked up my second horse and took this horse home with him to work with her and train her. I told him I could not afford this at that time because of the huge vet bills trying to save my other horse. He told me he was doing this for me for free. I began to cry and he said don't cry, that is what real friends do for each other. A real friend. We were very real friends right up until cancer took him from this world and a better friend I could not have ask for.
I am thankful for all of these people and many more. I just wanted to mentioned how thankful I am for the ones that have gone on to the next life and left me behind. I look forward to seeing each and everyone of them one day. It will be a good day.

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