Friday, November 16, 2012

I am running away from home

Saw this on FaceBook this week,  "As adults we think about running away from home way more often than we ever did as a child"
Giving the credit to FaceBook, now I can say, I am running away from home. I realized this only this morning when I am standing, staring into the refrigerator, where there is no juice, while a 5 1/2 year old is crying behind me because she needs to take medicine and there is no juice, and a 50 year old male, is behind her fussing because something did not get done, that apparently he thought I was responsible for and a small miniature dachshund is walking on my feet because she is old and confused, and my cell phone is making a sound telling me someone else wants something at 6 in the morning. (Please do not write me and tell me this sentence is way too long because I already know this. When you are running away I do not think the length of your sentences really is a factor)
Stress. That could be the word. It has been a stressful week. Work has had many problems, (the wonders of computers) the husband half of my home has had PMS all week. (and I know he would say the same about me, but this is my story and I can tell it any way I want) the 5 year old has not been very well and needs to go back to the doctor, (translation, she has whined all week), the aged mini dachshund has really been confused all week (she will not sleep at night but sleeps all day). My parents are at it again, (too many things to tell on that one)and someone wants the Christmas Tree up and does not understand I need help getting decorations out of my attic.
OK I admit it, I am whining. I want to run away. Not to be gone forever, but just for a short time so I can just have a little stress free time. It should only take about 5 years for me to calm down and feel better.
So, I am running away from home. I really doubt they will look for me. Oh yes they will. The toilet paper will run out in the bathroom and they cannot find the extra rolls in the bathroom closet without me.
Everyone have a great day.

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