Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Morning After

Halloween was a huge success this year. We are judging success on the amount of candy that was brought home. From Trick or Treating at school, my work, and then the trip into the night, I think I have 5 lbs of candy in my house. Now, this year we got lots of the good stuff. Great for Sky, but bad for me. This means I have to turn on extra will power to stay out of it. Hopefully, the ones I really love will be gone soon and it will not be too hard to stay out of the other.
Trick or Treating this year was unique. We encountered a very scarey clown. Sky does not like clowns anyway, but this one really scared her. We saw the Cat in the Hat, but Thing 1 and Thing 2 were not there. I really think I saw about 25 Spidermen. A wearwolf with orange hair was out on the prowl. We saw a policeman. I think he might have been a real policeman, but was not sure. The gun looked real. A few houses had tunnels set up where Sky had to walk down to get candy. She walked right on in before I could check out the situation. Oh, we also saw a Giant Queen Bee. She was very friendly. I even saw a box walking down the opposite side of the street. It had hands, so I felt comfortable with a walking box. Even Dorothy and ToTo was out and about. We also saw 5 or 6 little mermaids and maybe 100 SpongeBob. Pretty eventful night.
Now the count down to Thanksgiving. Mixed feelings this year, but more on that one later. Everyone have a great day and thanks for reading.

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