Saturday, November 10, 2012

Veteran's Day

Veteran's Day is here. My son served in the Air National Guard shortly after 9-11. I remember how sad I was as I watched his plane leave the base. A day I have never forgotten. I can relive it in my memory just as it was happening today. I can also relive the day he returned. He was in the Middle East for a few months and a war was going on. People were trying to hurt my child. It was a bad time for me. I tell that simple stroy to lead up to this. So many mothers, wives, brothers and sisters, parents, children and husbands have lived through what I lived through. It is not easy. So many of them do not have the wonderful memory of the return of their loved one. Everyone must make a sacrifice that is involved with the military. Many have made the biggest sacrifice of all and gave their lives defending the freedom we as American's enjoy. A freedom we all take for granted.
I saw something on Facebook just this week. It said: People who are wearing helments defending our country should make more money that people wearing helments defending a football.
We need to be more grateful to our men and women of our military groups. They make great sacrifices every day so we can live like we do. Take the time this weekend to say "Thank-You to a veteran and let them know that we do appreciate everything they do and all the sacrifices they make for us.
Everyone had a good long weekend and be kind to someone. Just smile at them. Thanks for reading.

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