Friday, November 23, 2012

Some people never learn

Black Friday is here. People are out shopping, trying to get the best deals. I am getting ready to go to work. I am not much of a Black Friday shopper. I will not fight someone over $1.50 towels. Good luck to those who brave the sales and I wish for you a safe shopping experience.
Over this Holiday I have discovered something. Some people never learn. They continue with the same stupid behavior every time they are presented with the opportunity and it always ends with the same bad results each and every time. Because of the pending court battles I cannot name names, but if you play by the rules things always work out better. But no, when you think the rules apply to everyone but yourself, then things go terrible wrong and something bad happens, how in the world can you stand around and question why this happens. Child custody battles are the worst. The child always looses and the parents usually end up with bitter feelings, less money, richer lawyers, and short tempers. Just follow the rules. Take what you are given and enjoy it. If you do not abuse it you might get more next time. when you try to change the rules because you think they do not apply to you and cause problems then how can you even ask why things are the way they are. You are told you may visit for 3 or 4 hours, you show up 2 hours late for pick-up, then you call and announce you are keeping them for the entire weekend when it is not your weekend. Well guess what, problems. Then you broke the rules and you stand around and point a finger like it is everyone else fault.
I know I am talking in circles and I am sure everyone knows I have a reason for this blog. I will get off my soapbox for now, but I promise you, this has not ended and there will be more to write about. Unfortunately, in this situation, there is always more to write about. Some people do the same stupid things each and every time and then cry because it backfires on them. Grow up, take responsibility, follow the rules, they apply to everyone and although it is really hard for you to understand, the world really does not revolve around you. Grow up or go away. Seriously.

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