Thursday, November 8, 2012

It Has Almost Been a Year!!!!

If you read my blog you already know this is Sage and myself. This picture was taken just a couple of days ago. Amazing as it may seem, the 1 year aniversary of the day Sage came to live at my home is fast approaching. It will be a very big day. This day looms very large in my life. My luck with horses has not been the very best. Actually it has been really bad. I wrote about my first horse, Pepper and how with this horse I came to meet one of the best friends I have ever had, Gerald. I wrote about how after a very short time I had to put this horse down due to colic. I told of how Gerald found me another horse. This horse I also had to put down after a very short time. I could not believe my luck. Even Gerald said to me, "Honey you are just having rotten luck. I can't believe it."  Well my luck continued to go from bad to worse, with 2 more horses. They survived, but my luck was bad. The first one launched me like a torpedo one afternoon and I had a trip to the emergency. She had to go. She was replaced with a beautiful Quarter Horse Gelding that I loved. He was a little nervous in his new home and one afternoon shot out from under me in a panic and I came off, breaking 2 ribs. I was so discouraged. Really people, you could not imagine how down I was. Well, in December, here comes Gerald pulling up to my barn with what he said he thought would be a good horse for me. Quarter Horse Mare was what he said. There is a story behind this that I will save for a later blog, but he unloaded this beautiful chestnut mare and told me her name was Sage. I still had broken ribs, but nothing would do I had to get on her that day. Friends, I was scared to death. I was. Gerald led me around on this horse and then he rode her around for me, showing me how great she was. He left her with me and said to let my ribs heal and he would be back in a couple of weeks and we would ride again. I remember looking at this horse and saying to her, "Honey if I keep you, you will be dead in less than 6 months." Sage and I spent a few months getting to know each other. I rode her some and brushed her and loved on her. Finally I decided she was the one and we would be friends. Two weeks before the 6 month aniversary I almost held my breath constantly. 6 months came and went and one week later I called Gerald and told him I had made it past 6 months. By this time Gerald was sick, (as I have also wrote about in a previous blog). He did not feel very well that day, but he did say to me, "I told you your luck would change." As Gerald illness gradually got worse I begin to worry that I might lose him. My love for Sage grew more and more with each day. We rode some, but not as much as we should, but it was still good. Early in the Fall the news came that Gerald would not survive his illness and would leave this world very soon. I went to the barn and Sage was in the barn waiting. I cried into her mane for the longest time. The horse he had told me would be the one was waiting on me to comfort me when I was loosing the one person who had supported me and taught me and guided me through all of my horse trials. He was right and she was the one. He was always right when it came to horses. I lost Gerald, but this wonderful horse is still with me. Our 1 year aniversary is fast approaching. One year. If my luck holds for just a few more weeks, I will have owned a horse for an entire year. Such a small statement, but one that means so very much to me. The countdown is on Gerald. I am once again holding my breath while I wait for this date. I feel in my heart Sage and I will make this aniversary date and there will be more to come afterwards. She is the one. Thanks for all you did for me getting me to this day and thanks for the horse that will celebrate this date with me. But I promise my eyes will look to heaven on that day and say a Thank You to you for all of it. One Year. My life had changed so much in this one year. Good and Bad, Happiness and Sadness, Joy and Sorrow. One Year. Holding my breath and waiting. We are going to be OK.

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