Monday, November 12, 2012

Making the heart and mind want the same things

Good Morning. Took the horse out again yesterday. Not the most successful ride, but since no one came out of the saddle and got hurt, all in all in was a good day. Maybe. I say that because I am wondering if I really want to do this. My heart says I do, but other parts of me are just not sure anymore. I think my brain is still asking "What are you doing" I love my horse very much and my horse loves me back. This I am certain of. My horse does not want to go riding and this is causing confusion. In my heart I want to saddle up, ride off in the sunset, and enjoy the wonderful outdoors. In my mind I continue to be torn. How do I get my heart and mind on the same path. I know it can be done because I have gotten both of them to want the same things many times in my life. I am not one for defeat. Usually if I want something reasonable, I go after it and get it. I have been know to go after it and get it even if what I wanted was unreasonable. I do not understand the problem now. Age, maybe, but I really do not think so. Determination has never been something I have been lacking in. Some call it stubborn, but I like to think it is just my way of going after and getting what I want. The confusion is my heart want to be a cowboy and my mind keeps saying, what are you doing? I have had some minor injuries from previous horses, but nothing really bad. Broken ribs and a hurt shoulder that still reminds me on rainy days that it does not like horses. Both of these bad experiences came back to back with different horses; and neither was with the horse I own now. Sage has never really done anything to hurt me that she meant to do. Horses are large animals and accidents happen often times just because either you or the horse moved at the wrong time.
I have always been one to follow my heart, and there have been times when my heart flat out lied to me and led me astray. But mostly I still follow my heart. Usually my mind just gets in line and goes along. This time my mind is fighting my heart all the way. The confusion this creates is causing communication problems with the horse. Horses can sense when you are scared, confused, or unsure. This causes them to react the same way you are feeling. Then accidents happen. I need to get my mind to go along this time. Maybe I need to be hypnotized or something. My mind must shape up. I have been known to do stupid things and make folds think I have lost my mind, but time to shape up here. Get in line mind and follow my heart. I must stop the confusion and saddle up and ride off into the sunset.
Have a great day and thanks for reading.

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