Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A secret ??????????????????

What is a secret?  Mr. Webster says: kept from being known by others. hidden. OK, so if it is something that is not suppose to be known by others, why do people tell each other? Why in the world would you tell something that you do not want anyone else to know to someone else? I am confused. Truely I am. If it is something you do not want anyone else to know, I would rather you not tell me. Maybe you really do want people to know, but you do not want to be the one to tell everyone, so you tell just one person and hope they tell other people, even though you tell them not to. Maybe you do not want anyone else to know, but you feel you must tell at least one other person you trust, in case there is some type of emergency, that person will know the one thing that you did not want anyone else to know. Well, I just do not know the answer. I have has people say to me, Do not tell anyone, but........................................  I have also had them say to me, I probably should not tell you this, but......................................................  I think even once or twice, I have heard, you will never guess what, and .......................................................... Now as the person that now knows the secret, I have to go about my daily life and pretend I do not know the secret. But I do know the secret and I see things that the secret effects, but I cannot say anything. Things get complicated, people's feelings get hurt, and once in a while, bad things happen. Now, I know the secret and could save people's feelings, (except for the person that told me the secret). Well is any of this fair to any of the people involved? I would say "no". It is really not fair to the person that knows the secret. They have to watch all the confusion and pretend like they have no idea why any of this is going on. I ramble. I think I have made my point. Now that my point has been made, let me say this. I know a secret. I promised to never tell anyone what I know. The person involved shared the secret with me and I believe it to be true. They trusted me with this secret and ask me not to tell anyone. I am not sure why they trusted me. They call me friend, so maybe this is why. I am watching the confusion that has been caused by this secret. Feelings are about to be hurt, in a bad way. Now, I wish I did not know this secret. But, too late, I do know. I have to watch and remain silent. I made a promise to a friend.
I have decided I do not like secrets. I do not like making them or knowing them. If it has to be a secret, chances are you are doing something you should not be doing. Maybe not. Surprise parties are secrets, but only for a very short time, then everyone knows. I do not really think that should be considered a secret.
I ramble again. Not to worry. This secret is safe with me and I have heard the saying many times, I will take it to my grave. I feel in the future, if someone starts to tell me what they call a secret, I will ask them to please not tell me. I would rather not know. But for now, my friend, fear not. I know a secret, and it will remain a secret. That's what real friends are for. 

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