Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Vet was here

The vet has come and gone on our little farm. Sage and Ben got all their vaccinations and are ready for the winter to come. We are hoping for a mild winter, but there are signs it might not be. By signs I mean superstitions that have been passed down through many generations. Once again I ramble, but that would certainly be a great topic to write on. Vaccinations are very important. Animals can get sick quickly and I live in a very rural area, so my vet takes a while to get to my farm. The peace of mind with these vaccinations is worth it to me. I has a really bad experience and lost a wonderful horse because I assumed she had been vaccinated and found out the hard way she had not. They should be good for sickness through this winter and we will be hoping and praying for no injuries. Although we love out vet, we really do not want to see her too often.
Oh and Sage did get her pregnancy exam. NO Baby. Yea!! The vet said her symptoms were most likely hormone issues due to her age. This is really great news for both her and Ben. Sage is not going to have a baby and Ben will not have to be operated on, which is really great news for Ben.
Everyone have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for reading.

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