Thursday, October 11, 2012


I have a cold. At least I think it is a cold. Fairly sure it is not the flu. No fever, well maybe a little. Stuffy head, chest congestion, aches and pains, and cough. Yep, I have a cold. Not just a little Fall cold, but a full blown nasty cold that makes you feel like crap. I cannot sleep without medicine that helps with that. I cannot breathe without medicine that helps with that. I ache all over, but I am taking medicine that is suppose to help with that. The problem is: I am taking medicine for all of that, but I still have a cold and I still feel like crap. I could not imagine how I would feel if I were not taking medicine for all of that. If it sounds like I am whining, well it is because I am whining. Yep, whining is what I am doing. I hate a cold. By the way, it is 3:00 in the morning where I am, and I am not sleeping because I have a cold and cannot breathe and I ache all over. And to add to my whining, I did take my medicine but still feel bad. About to take more medicine and try to go back to sleep. I will whine more tomorrow. In case you have not realized this, I am not a very good sick person. No fun to be around.
Everyone stay well and I hope you do not get a cold.

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