Thursday, October 4, 2012

Getting up on my Soap Box

I was all ready to get on my Soap Box this morning and blast people who cannot stand for others to be happy. I was going to go on a rant.
 I have changed my mind. For now. But trust me friends, it is probably coming. Some people do not know when to leave well enough alone and actually mind their own business and stay out of others. I will only take so much more and then I will explode. But not today.
Today I am going to try to reason with myself about school pictures. Paper was brought home from school talking about school pictures and they would be taken next week. Now, here is the problem as I see it. They want us to choose a package and pay for it in advance. Buy something before you see it. I have been known to do this, but when it comes to pictures, this is not happening. School pictures are always hit and miss. Children can be hit and miss. Why in the world would I buy a package of pictures in advance when I have no idea what they will look like. I do not know what background they will use. I certainly do not know if little Princess Skylar will be having a good or bad hair day that day. (She has curly hair, bless her). I do not know if she will spill breakfast on her top that day and have a stain. Why would they expect me to purchase them in advance. I am sure they fill they have the best photographer and all pictures will be wonderful, but seriously???!!!!???  Some children just do not like some photographers and pictures turn out to be awful. I have to make this decision before next week and fill out the paper. you can probably tell I have already made this decision. I am going to send money for the smallest package (still $20.00) and take this child to Wal Mart and have her pictures made. They let you see them in advance, choose the ones you like, enhance your order, and you get more pictures for your money. Oh and I do not have to pay for them before I can see them. Imagine that.
Everyone have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. I FEEL THE EXACT SAME WAY!!!!! Patrick has not had his pictures made in High School yet. Just for the yr book. High School pics do not turn out to good, but yet they ask me to buy them in advance. I only buy Alana's due to she don't like pictures made and she will do them at school with no fuss. She will be all pretty, pick her clothes, fix her hair. Nice pictures. They rush with high school those poor kids.
