Thursday, October 18, 2012

No Internet !!!

I recently made the decision to change the provider I have my internet service with. The company I decided to change to assured me there would be no problems and I could go ahead and disconnect with my current company. I believed everything they told me, so I disconnected with my current company. Guess What??? The new service did not work correctly. Actually it did not work at all. I called for help. The person that came on the telephone could not help me, BUT they assured me they would have someone who could help me call be back within the hour. Three hours went by with no return phone call. I called the sales rep back and they gave me a new phone number to try. I called the new phone number. This person could not help me but they took down my telephone number and would have someone call be back first thing the next morning. I can only guess that morning never arrived where this person lived because no one ever called me back. By this time I have gone 24 hours without internet service. People that know me, understand no one lost their life during this time, but it is only because I could not get a clear understanding of who I needed to choke. I called the sales rep back again. He was very sorry and must have called me honey at least 5 times. Now friends, I do not mind being called honey when the time is right, but when you are trying to patronize me and get me to stop complaining about something I have every right to complain about, calling me honey is not the very best idea. Especially when you are doing it with a tone that is full of sarcasm. When this happens, you can be sure I am going to go off on you in a very big way. And I did go off on this sales rep. in a very big way. He apologized and gave me yet another phone number to call. I called this number and got a very nice lady on the other end. She was very professional and really good at her job. She had me to hold for a moment, (and it really was a moment) and she came back and explained that the sales rep did not put the new order in correctly and my equipment was never activated. She took care of this problem and said it would take about 15 minutes for this to work correctly. She said she would call me back when it was ready. Guess What??  She called me back and told me my equipment was ready and to attempt to connect to the internet from my computer. Everything worked wonderfully and I was back on the internet. Now, through all the confusion and phone calls, I went without internet for 48 hours. Still no one lost their life during this time. If I had not had to drive several miles to where the sales rep was, it was looking bad for him. But, his stupid butt was not worth anymore of my time, so I stayed in Troy. I learned a great lesson during this time. That lesson was:  I actually can live without the internet. But only because I have a smart phone and I was able to get my emails on that. I am back up and running at home so I should have updates on here more often. Thanks to everyone who was patient. If you see that sales rep, slap him from me.

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