Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ben, my little Buddy (What an Ass)

This is  Ben, my Silver Jerusalem donkey. He has a cross on his back. There are many stories about how he got the cross on his back and all of them involve Christ. This is the donkey that carried Mary to Bethlehem. Well maybe not this exact donkey, but we will not rule anything out. I explained in a previous post how I come to own Ben. He seems to be a happy and content little donkey now. He has plenty of food and water and a friend to keep him company. He also gets lots of love and brushing and scratching from me and my family. He seems to enjoy his new life. Ben is a Jack, which only means he is a boy donkey. He is a boy donkey with all of the proper equipment that a boy should have. That is part of my problem. We think he used this equipment to help Sage (my large Quarter Horse) become with foal. (If the Vet Check says she is going to have a baby it will actually be a little mule) Now, Ben has a wonderful personality. I mentioned in a previous post how great he was and I believe him to be the best donkey in the world. The friend I got Ben from chose well when he picked him. He is easy going and very gentle. We do not ride Ben, but that was never in the plan. I wanted a baby donkey from Ben in hopes it would have his same wonderful personality. Now things have changed. If my horse is expecting from Ben, I will have my baby, but it will be a mule, not a donkey. This is my situation: When I got a successful baby from Ben, I was going to castrate him, so as not to worry about his personality in the future. Donkey experts say that Jack get moody and hard to get along with as they get older unless they are cut. Ben is 9 years old, so getting cut should be in his near future. (not that he will like this, but it is life) I really did not want a baby with the horse and donkey. I wanted a baby donkey. But life does give us surprises and lordy was this one. Do we go ahead and cut Ben and be happy with a baby mule or do we take the chance and try for a donkey later, knowing he could be with my horse again? This is a hard decision. I really want to go ahead and cut him, but hate that I cannot get a baby donkey with his wonderful personality. I do not want another baby by him with my horse. This was unexpected and really hoping does not happen again. I could seperate them in the pasture, but Ben does not do well when apart from the horse. They have become great friends and he really wants to be with her.
What do I do. I am going to talk with the vet about it on Friday and we will make some decisions. I am really torn about this. What should I do. Any suggestions from my readers.

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