Monday, October 8, 2012

Thank-you, I forgot.

I have a dear friend who has gone above and beyond being nice to me in the last few weeks. She has done some really special things and really been there for me. I realized this morning I had not said "Thank-You." I did say thank-you in more than one way. I called them and said it and I posted it on Facebook and said it. I did not use her name on Facebook, but she knows.
Saying Thank you is such a small gesture, but it means so much. I would never want her to think I take her for granted or did not appreciate what she did for me. I was taught as a small child to always say Thank-You. It shows appreciation and respect. I taught my son this and doing my best to teach my granddaughter the same. Saying Thank You for small acts of kindness like someone opening the door is a must in my house. It takes so little to say it, but it shows the person doing it that you do not expect it and are grateful they were kind enough to do this. In this day and time, many do not say Thanks. I personally feel this is rude and disrespectful. Acts of kindness are not required and when someone does one for you, Thank You should always be said. Said, not presumed. Thank You to my friend and I do appreciate you.
Thank You to everyone who reads my blog. I do appreciate you too.

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